Saturday, March 12, 2005

Priestly formation must lead to understanding of ‘spiritual fatherhood’, says bishop

The question is finally raised-“Have we adopted a false sense of privacy by which we do not confront, discipline or visit with our spiritual children?” he asked. “Do we abandon our spiritual children by defining our call to the priesthood as a 9-to-5 profession, with an attitude of ‘Don't call me after hours?’”

I have a vocation as a wife and mother. A priest's vocation is well defined by his parish as he is the "father" of a parish family. I know that because of my vocation I am to accept ALL moments of "service"-walking the floor waiting for a teen to come home, attending to a sick child, preparing and feeding my family--this is MY vocation. I can not at a mere whim decide that I need a vacation nor can I decide that I shall not meet the needs of my family. I am ready 24 hours a day to take care of my family.

Many priests have succumb to this thinking. I pray that all priests will accept the graces and prayers that Catholics are offering around the country in churches and chapels before the Blessed Sacrament. That they will be refreshed and renewed by these prayers and sacrifice. We continue to pray and offer our support as always.

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