Saturday, December 30, 2006


Here's a good article on the false teachings - the false truths of New Age...Catholics and the New Age A Closer Look at the Vatican Document: Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life – A Christian Reflection on the “New Age"-written by a trustworthy servant of HIS TRUTH Susan Beckworth.

As we get ready to begin a new year - the Year of OUR LORD 2007, let us remember that there are many among us who still need the light of HIS TRUTH to shine through their darkness. A darkness that has befallen many through many means of communication. The Internet, conferences, meetings, groups, and media have allowed this darkness to permeate the minds and hearts of many of God's children and thereby allowing it to propagate and do harm to ALL HIS children. It has been allowed to fester and WE ALL have the responsibility to teach HIS truth to all we come in contact. ALL of us have to honor our baptismal vows! What joy we should all have in honoring this vow. What blessings have been bestowed upon each of in proclaiming HIS truth to all. We don't even have to leave our warm homes. We don't have to wear sandals and cross barren deserts to proclaim that truth! Oh, how blessed we are in these most troubling times. It is so very exciting knowing this in my heart.

I pray that all will receive, accept, internalize, and utilize all gifts bestowed upon them by OUR LORD to do HIS will in all things making this coming new year a most HOLY YEAR - A Year of OUR LORD 2007!


  1. J.M.J. + O.B.T.

    Dear Catherine:

    Having just spent the better part of Christmas dinner in a deep conversation with my kid brother-in-law where I attempted to relate the truth of Catholicism which he has jettisoned in favor of a "parallel universe where there is no way of discerning truth" I know what we are up against.

    This past summer I had a similar heated discussion with my older brother who has also abandoned the Faith of Our Fathers. My brother appealed to the historical- critical intellectual arguments that posit Catholic sins through the ages as de facto proof to convince the reader that our religion is a farce.

    One a New Age, neo-pagan ... a professed skeptic the other Neo-Enlightened ... a positivist who must have visible proof to undo his self-imposed agnostic world view.

    The funny thing is that whereas Tony has seen signs of God working in his life, and as a skeptic chooses to assign nothing to them,
    Buddy refuses to even consider the signs although his 23 yr Marine Corps career was centered on photo-imagery (signs of enemy activity).

    I gave away my inheritance over time and spent 26 years in exile before I saw the light of Truth and returned to the Catholic Faith.
    I was immediately blessed with a new family, The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity through whom I encountered my lovely wife and the mother of our 2 (+ 4 in heaven) children. It's a powerful story of Divine Providence---a prodigal son receiving Divine Mercy from the mouth of his future wife...

    YES, this year we all have the responsibility to teach His truth.

    PS. You wouldn’t per chance be Susan Beckworth, for if you are I would like to discuss your reflections on A Closer Look at the Vatican Document: Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life – A Christian Reflection on the “New Age".

    Happy New Year

    Mike Rizzio, SOLT

  2. Mike,
    No I am not she, but can direct you to her. Email me at
    I am so happy to hear that you ARE HOME! I am sorry for your loss- the loss of your children, but am happy to know that they are interceding for you and your wife for all eternity. And I am quite grateful that your wife has been gifted with such grace as to bring souls to HIM, most especially in your witness! What blessings you have received on your journey! YEA GOD!
    Again we'll keep carrying and proclaiming HIS truth no matter what. And again what graces you are receiving each time you proclaim HIS truth to your family. As St. Catherine states..."LET THE TRUTH BE YOUR DELIGHT.... PROCLAIM IT..., BUT WITH A CERTAIN CONGENIALITY." We will by our witness bring more to HIM as they will then see HIS FACE and hear HIS WORDS.
    May you and yours have a very blessed, happy, and Holy New Year!
