Monday, October 22, 2007

Is this part of the 'plan'?

Lay Catholics step up during priest shortage

Gautier considers the emergence of people in this role a stop-gap measure. "It's not like all parishes are going to be replaced by lay people," Gautier said. "It's to help them out until there's such a time as there's enough priests to go around."

I pray and hope so!
With Minninger empowered as a pastoral minister, she's not only able to counsel church members but can pick up such duties as preaching, presiding over funerals and baptizing children when a priest isn't available.


Well apparently, she sees this for the future....hmmmm...'plan'....?

But Minninger said her family fully supports her new career, and its rewards far outweigh its challenges. "I would hope that in this position that I or anyone else in this ministry will be able to model for other people the many ways that you can serve in the church," she said. "I do see this as a part of the future of the church."

Well there ya' is the 'plan'.

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