Monday, January 28, 2008

Sandro Magister:The Roman Curia Wakes Up and Strikes Three Blows

Huge points:

    1. "Asking for perpetual Eucharistic adoration be established, with the aim of "sanctifying" priests through prayer." "We ask all to do Eucharistic adoration in order to make reparation before God for the grave injury that has been done, and to recover the dignity of the victims. Yes, we wanted to think of the victims, so that they might feel that we are near. They are uppermost in our thoughts; it is important to say this."
    2. On miracles: "Caution and accuracy: these are the criteria that the pope and the congregation want to see more closely observed."
    3. "As for the celebrant "turning his back to the faithful": "In the circumstances in which the celebration takes place in this manner, this is not so much a question of turning one's back to the faithful, but rather of orienting oneself toward the Lord, together with the faithful. From this point of view, instead of being closed the door is opened for the faithful, to lead them to the Lord. In the Eucharistic liturgy, the participants do not look at one another; they look to the One who is our East, the Savior."
    4. On the "Summorum Pontificum":"The Church's liturgy, like all of its life, is characterized by continuity: I would speak of development in continuity. This means that the Church proceeds on its journey through history without losing sight of its own roots and its own living tradition: this can even require, in some cases, the recovery of valuable and important elements that have been lost and forgotten along the way, and the authentic meaning of which has been dimmed by the passage of time. It seems to me that the motu proprio moves in precisely this direction, reaffirming very clearly that in the Church's liturgical life there is continuity, without rupture. One must not speak, therefore, of a return to the past, but of a true enrichment for the present, in view of tomorrow."

Thank you Holy Father!
Deo Gratias!!

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