Sunday, December 04, 2005

Plenary Indulgence Attainable on Dec. 8

Plenary Indulgence Attainable on Dec. 8
Papal Decision for 40th Anniversary of Close of Vatican II

I pray that all are preparing for Advent!

Vatican II 40th Anniversary & the Vernacular

From The Commonweal this week on the 40th Anniversary of Vat. II-
Lost in Translation
The Bishops, the Vatican & the English Liturgy

"The use of vernacular languages in the liturgy did not begin with the Second Vatican Council. For decades previously an array of Catholic scholars and experts had been doing research in France, Germany, the Low Countries, Italy, England, and the United States; centers of liturgical renewal had become influential; and by the early 1950s, Rome had commissioned conferences of bishops-already it was they who had the responsibility-to prepare translations of part of the rites for baptisms, marriages, and funerals. Precisely because so much preparation had been done, the bishops assembled for the council felt able to push ahead immediately with liturgical reform."

Read on...very interesting...