‘Court Of Government’
“The ball is really now in the court of governments to move forward on generating these resources,” David Waskow, senior adviser on climate finance for the development charity Oxfam International, said in a telephone interview from Washington. “One can raise substantial public finance from public sources and do it in a way that’s not going to place additional pressure on national budgets and taxpayers.” [REALLY?!]
Remember the 'Father of Carbon Trading'-Richard Sandor(WATCH/LISTEN -relistening today.....listen at 39:46 - onward...NOT GOOD!)
Global consensus grows to act on climate change: Mexican FM
"There's growing global consensus to act quickly on climate change, Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa said Thursday, ahead of the 16th Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP-16)."
They want farming under the climate talks!
Cancun Climate Conference "Can't afford to fail..."
Rich nations urged to develop climate aid plan for Cancún
UK official says 'negative forces' delaying US climate plan [WE NEED TO KEEP IT UP!!! Don't think for 1 MINUTE that the Cap-n-Tax is DONE! It's NOT! 'THEY' are just figuring out the 'back-doors' to the entire scam!]
Remember what was said in a presidential press conference this week--about EPA!
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Conference in Cancun Mexico - a Emissions Calculator for Conference attendees
I'm sure there's much more out there today....running out of space on this post; need to make another one....