+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Update: Donofrio:SCOTUS - No Decision - Monday
Monday: The Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
See the Anchoress' post as a reminder : More things in heaven and on earth than are dreamt…
And please pray for each Justice:that HIS truth be revealed, accepted, and acted upon according to HIS Will. Ask the intercession of Our Dear Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus- with childlike confidence. Ask the intercession of all those that have died in sacrifice for our country and freedom.
GOD is bigger than all of this. HIS Will be done!
Friday, December 05, 2008
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
LA Times|Blog - Donofrio v Wells
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Planned Parenthood Making the Rounds
Update: Indiana Planned Parenthood suspends staffer
Planned Parenthood Christmas gift certificates.SOME GOOD NEWS: "Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota said the bad economy prompted it to eliminate 9.5 positions, including the director of its two South Dakota clinics." (***tho they will remain open we'll continue to pray for their closure.)
Update II : NCRegister - Mr. Hoopes - His Response
Register editor responds to columns; A new pro-life Web site; A seminarian and condoms
Mr. Hoopes....I've already heard/read your side of the story and don't need any more clarification. It's pretty much a done deal, I'd say.
Remember this post? All Souls? And listen and watch this....so you still want to 'dialog'?
Nah! I'll pray for you and the many other 'pro-life Catholic voters'!!
HE is separating the goats from the sheep and the wheat from the chaff!!
Update: Alabama: Catholic Church Fire Bombing
Cain and State Fire Marshal Ed Paulk said they don't know of a motive for the attempted arson. Neither does the pastor at the church.
"We have no idea why," the Rev.David Buchanan, pastor at St. Cecilia Catholic Church on Alabama 195, said Tuesday. "We've had no threats made against us."
Obama Lawsuit News
Federal suit seeks Obama certificate
Suit contesting Barack Obama's citizenship heads to U.S. Supreme Court Friday
'Tribune' Ad Creates Stir: Birth Certificate Issue Refuses To Go Away
Federal suit seeks Obama certificate
Objections from Obama supporters on birth certificate story
Obama Birth Certificate: SCOTUS Conference Set for Tomorrow
Blog House: Born in the USA? Yes, he was
Anti-Obama bloggers challenge birthplace
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
PRAYER ALERT: Catholic Church in Jasper, Alabama - Fire Bombed
Obama: SCOTUS News Coverage
Newspaper ads question Obama citizenship
Press Coverage: Fox News, RightSideNews, Kansas City Star (and Leo’s Response), WTPF.org Chicago Tribune Reader/Press Response
Questions About Obama’s Citizenship Land in US Supreme Court
Obama’s Citizenship Again Questioned And Then Answered (WSJ - Law Blog)
President-Elect Obama: Please Release Your Birth Records
The Cult of Barack Obama's Birth Certificate
Doubts Linger About Obama's Citizenship
Obama Citizenship Accusations Come to a Head
Why is the media silent on the Obama birth certificate question?
Our Prayers - Intercessory Prayer
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
The Cases Mount
And now, there's way too much $ at stake...Big Business transfers its loyalty, money to the Democrats
We'll pray for the Supreme Court of the United States - please pray for each individual Justice!
Farrakhan on Obama - Interesting Info
Note he didn't say born..."grew up"...you need to read and pay close attention to this entire interview!!!RK: Minister, I’ll get back to the theme in a second, but we have a chat room that runs live as we go live on the air, and there is some great discussion going on in there right now. “[Mr.] Thomas” from Germany [asks]: “Can Obama function as a bridge between White and Black people, as well as the Muslim and Western world?”
HMLF: Absolutely. The very fact that Barack Obama has a White mother and an African father, and he grew up in Hawaii; and even though his African father left him at two years old, his mother married an Indonesian, and moved him to Indonesia where he spent four or five years growing up, again, in a Muslim country.
'Pretty Bling' for Michelle Obama
A pretty thank you card, flowers, or a box of candy would work for me....most especially in these hard & trying economic times. Don't you think?
The Day After Dec.2: The Berg Case
"The motion comes one day after Obama and the DNC were directed to respond to Berg's Petition for Writ of Certiorari (the parties, however, are allowed two more days for mail service)."
We'll wait to see and keep praying!
WND Makes Arrangements to FEDEX Supremes
WND makes it easy, cheaper to ask justices to resolve questions
A letter is available at WND article...a good one at that. Get moving!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Fr. Tom Euteneuer Responds to NCRegister - Hoopes
Legion Newspaper Editor Sells Out
The Legion of Christ priest who defended Sean Hannity's dissent on birth control on Fox News last year was bad enough, but the editorial in the National Catholic Register after the election shows that the Legionaries have allowed another misguided agent to speak in their name and on their watch. They are now officially part of the problem, not part of the solution. Editor Tom Hoopes is a layman, but he does the Legion's bidding and should be fired immediately for his absurd editorial in support of Barack Obama. Even were it not for Hoopes' personal glowing support of the most radical abortion President in American history, certain other points of his editorial are just naïve:
1. "In America, there's no reason to fear the president."—Has Mr. Hoopes ever heard of the coercive power of the Attorney General, the IRS, the FBI or the ATF that viciously persecuted pro-lifers in the previous pro-abortion administration? I have personally been visited by the two latter entities, and they are not boy scouts. Has Mr. Hoopes seen the radical federal judiciary (appointed by the President) routinely overturn the will of the people on critical moral issues? Doesn't he know that the President appoints the delegation to the UN which will now use our tax dollars to ram abortion down the throats of poor countries like never before? Let us hasten to emphasize that the unborn "in America" have every reason to fear this president, but apparently they can be overlooked because, in Hoopes' opinion, Obama is "a civil, decent man."
2. Mr. Hoopes seems to think that he can just have a little gentleman's disagreement with Obama, "…if [he]dare attack the voiceless, defenseless unborn." This is the measure of the insanity of this editorial. What does he mean "if"? Is he simply unaware of the public record of this man who is preparing to attack the unborn in unprecedented ways? The radical cabinet appointments Obama is making should be curbing all the naïve estimates of this man's beneficence toward the unborn both at home and abroad. Extreme pro-aborts like Hillary Clinton (Sec. of State), Tom Daschle (Sec. of HHR) and Ellen Moran (Whitehouse spokesperson) will only be marshaled as attack dogs of an Obama administration against the voiceless, defenseless unborn. Where exactly is that "change" America voted for?
3. Mr. Hoopes says that teaching children to dislike and belittle the President "undermines civic responsibility and social cohesion." Well, outside of the fact that it was the Obama supporters who engaged in that type of vicious behavior towards the current President, his idea of "civic responsibility and social cohesion" does not come from Catholic social doctrine. It comes from political correctness. Our Church says that these are based on solidarity with the poor and suffering, and in violation of that principle, President Obama will systematically exclude the unborn from any measure of our social concern. Mr. Hoopes' "Can't we all just get along?" ground rules for talking nice about that "impressive man" are not even realistic let alone Catholic.
There is more that could be said about this terrible editorial, but I would violate charity if I went further. Suffice it to say that I thought for a moment that I was reading the other NCR (the National Catholic Reporter). HLI has worked with the Register in the past to expose the evils of the culture of death, but I am tired of sell-outs. We decidedly refuse to be part of the problem. I am immediately cancelling our subscription to the newspaper and will encourage others to do the same. The Legion has finally lost it on this one, and I will not support such dereliction of duty from a religious order that claims to represent the Church and bears the holy Name of Christ.
Please pray and offer sacrifice for our country. Please pray for the conversion of ALL!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Update: NCRegister - Mr. Hoopes
Letters to Editor (See their Editors Note!!!!)
Contact NCRegister (They should receive more letters!)
Contact Legionaries of Christ
Voice your opinion here too!
Reminder: Christmas Novena Begins Today