+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, March 31, 2007
And one more from CCF...
Physician-assisted suicide bill passes California Judiciary Committee
California Bill SB 777
[snip]California's first openly lesbian state lawmaker has introduced a bill that her critics say would require kindergarten through 12th grade public school textbooks, instructional materials and school activities to promote transsexual, bisexual and homosexual lifestyles.
Kuehl said her new legislation would update and clarify present laws rather than make outright changes. But critics say it could result in prohibiting any textbooks or instruction that "reflects adversely" upon homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality. Teachers could be forced to present same-sex "marriage" and sex-change procedures, among other things, as being equal to traditional lifestyles and norms, according to cultural conservatives.
Rest In Peace Terri
Eternal rest grant unto Terri, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The day after...in Canada...
'Veil tip' to Michael Brown's Spirit Daily...
Explosive Revelations about Homosexual Teachers in Canadian Catholic Schools
In the upcoming April issue of the Canadian Catholic Magazine, Catholic Insight makes some explosive revelations about openly homosexual teachers in Catholic schools in Canada. "Homosexually active Catholics have been infiltrating Ontario's Catholic schools for some time and, with their new legal status, now demand to be recognized," says the article co-authored by editor Fr. Alphonse de Valk and investigative reporter Tony Gosgnach.
‘Hate Crimes’ Bill Introduced
Far left Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) has once again introduced his so-called “hate crimes” bill to provide special federal protection for homosexuality, cross-dressing, and transsexualism.
H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, is a rehash of his 2005 bill, according to sources in Congress.
Please take action now!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Culture War Continues...
Chancellor-elect Eisen's Letter to the Community
Jewish Theological Seminary To Ordain Gay and Lesbian Clergy
JTS to Accept Qualified Gay and Lesbian Rabbinical And Cantorial School Students
— Plans to Embark on Dialogue on Principles and Practices of Conservative Movement —
PRESS CONTACT: Sherry S. Kirschenbaum
Office: (212) 678-8953
Mobile: (973) 650-6018 -->Email
New York, NY, March 26, 2007 — Following the completion of a thorough and deliberate review process, The Jewish Theological Seminary has decided, effective immediately, to accept qualified gay and lesbian students into its rabbinical and cantorial schools.
The decision comes three months after the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly approved a teshuva (responsum), permitting the ordination of gays and lesbians, thereby paving the way for JTS to consider the issue.
Immediately after these rulings were announced, JTS initiated a comprehensive process in which the views of a wide range of constituencies were solicited and seriously weighed, and likely consequences considered. (I myself would wonder about the dire consequences of this decision! Sodom and Gomorrah -remember what happened?!)
The process included faculty forums, student discussions with faculty and administration, meetings and/or lengthy discussions with the heads of the other Conservative Movement seminaries, consultation with the JTS Board of Trustees, and an international survey of Conservative rabbis, cantors, educators, lay leaders, and JTS students on the question. In addition, Chancellor-elect Arnold M. Eisen personally heard from hundreds of Conservative Jews on the matter during his travels around the country this year and through correspondence, email, and the JTS website.
"The immediate issue was the ordination of gay and lesbian students as rabbis and cantors for the Conservative Movement. But the larger issue has been how we can remain true to our tradition in general and to halakhah in particular while staying fully responsive to and immersed in our society and culture. How shall we learn Torah, live Torah, teach Torah in this time and place? Without these imperatives, the decision before us would have been far easier for many of those involved. That is certainly true for me," stated Chancellor-elect Eisen.
He continued, "I believe, along with the great majority of my colleagues on the JTS faculty, that the CJLS, by voting in equal numbers for two teshuvot, provided halakhic authorization for the ordination of gay and lesbian rabbinical and cantorial students. That permission having been given, I believe that the nature of our communities in contemporary America, the moral convictions we hold, and the mission of JTS, argue strongly for accepting gay and lesbian students for ordination.
"Moreover, the decision to ordain gay and lesbian clergy at JTS is in keeping with the longstanding commitment of the Jewish tradition to pluralism. That commitment has been all the more central to Conservative Judaism. Pluralism means that we recognize more than one way to be a good Conservative Jew, more than one way of walking authentically in the path of our tradition and of carrying that tradition forward. It means, too, that we respect those who disagree with us and understand that in the context of all that unites us, diversity makes us stronger."
Chancellor-elect Eisen also stated that JTS has no plans to take up the question of gay and lesbian commitment ceremonies or marriages, which are matters that rest with the CJLS and individual rabbis and congregations.
JTS also announced that in recognition of the significant implications of this decision on the nature and future of Conservative Judaism, it intends to embark on two new initiatives:
JTS will lead a dialogue - working with the Chancellor’s Rabbinic Cabinet, and through liaison with all arms of the Conservative Movement - engaging Conservative Jews about the belief and behavior that should guide JTS and the movement. These discussions - focusing on our shared dedication to mitzvah and halakhah - will be conducted over the next two years with the ultimate goal being a re-clarification of the principles of Conservative Judaism and a recommitment to its practices.
JTS will intensify contact with the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism in California, the Schechter Institute in Israel, and the Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano in Argentina, and encourage an increased number of joint missions of lay leaders and more exchanges among the faculty and students at these institutions. JTS will also take special steps to strengthen the relationship between Canadian and American Conservative Jews.
Professor Eisen stated: "It is my hope and belief that getting Conservative Jews to talk about these matters will be a step toward greater commitment and consensus. Our communities will be strengthened by the very act of discussing our 'obligations of the heart' honestly and face to face. We will come to realize in doing so how much unites us as Conservative Jews. The sense of what binds us together will grow still more if we can arrive at consensus about the norms of belief and behavior that should guide us. I believe we can."
The full text of Chancellor-elect Eisen’s remarks can be found on the JTS website at http://www.jtsa.edu/.
The application deadline for the September 2007 incoming class has been extended until June 30, 2007, to accommodate any new applications that may be submitted as a result of this announcement. Information about applying to the rabbinical and cantorial schools is available by contacting: The Rabbinical School at (212) 678-8817 or www.jtsa.edu/rabbinical and the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at (212) 678-8036 or www.jtsa.edu/cantorial.
Editor/Reporters: For further information, or to schedule an interview with Chancellor-elect Eisen, please contact Sherry S. Kirschenbaum in the Department of Communications at (212) 678-8953, (973) 650-6018 (mobile), or email.
Founded in 1886 as a rabbinical school, The Jewish Theological Seminary today is the academic and spiritual center of Conservative Judaism worldwide, encompassing a world–class library and five schools. JTS trains tomorrow's religious, educational, academic, and lay leaders for the Jewish community and beyond.
Texas Pro-Life Group Raise Awareness - Planned Parenthood & Komen Foundation
"We're trying to raise awareness on the link between abortion and breast cancer, and point out that it is totally inappropriate for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to be making grants to the country's number-one abortion-provider," says Pischiotta.
Stop the National Abortion Push!
Ever since last November's elections, which resulted in a pro-abortion leadership in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, national abortion groups have boldly pushed an agenda of death - forcing taxpayers to pay for it! In 2005 Planned Parenthood got $272 million in our taxes, twice the money it made from its 255,000 abortions that year. Since 1987 Planned Parenthood has taken in $3.2 billion in taxpayer funds for its deadly agenda. Now these groups want even more taxpayer funding for their death march.
Just last Friday, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) sent a letter to her Senate colleagues asking for a boost of $100 million, specifically for Planned Parenthood clinics!
Happy 100th Anniversary of Your Birthday Sr. Lucia!
Sr. Lucia please intercede before our Heavenly FATHER with all our prayer petitions! Thank you! Blessed Mother please assist us in all our needs and please protect and continue to guide our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI and all your Priests! Thank you! All this we ask in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, and by the WILL OF GOD OUR FATHER!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Liberal Algerian Daily Criticizes U.S. Anti-War Movement
In an opinion piece in the liberal Algerian daily Liberté, columnist Mustapha Hammouche criticizes what he sees as the simplistic populism of the anti-war movement in the U.S. He argues that the anti-war protests are primarily a result of nostalgia for the protest movement against the Vietnam War, and that they ignore the realities of the current war in Iraq - which, he says, has helped terrorism diminish Iraqis' hopes and has eroded their support for democracy.
PRAYER ALERT! VeriChip Partners with U.S. Living Will Registry!
DELRAY BEACH, FL – March 27, 2007 -- VeriChip Corporation (NASDAQ: CHIP) today announced it entered into a Community Partnership Agreement with U.S. Living Will Registry® that enables healthcare professionals to view the Advance Directives of patients enrolled in the VeriMed Patient Identification System via a secure link within the VeriMed Patient Registry. This will be the first completely digital link to a national Advance Directive document archive. Utilizing the U.S. Living Will Registry’s proprietary software platform and the VeriMed Patient Registry, VeriMed subscribers will be able to register their advance directives and organ donation information.
Scott R. Silverman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VeriChip Corporation, commented, “We are pleased to provide direct access to electronic advance directive documents stored at the U.S. Living Will Registry via the VeriMed Patient Identification System. This permits hospitals and health systems with our VeriMed RFID Reader to quickly and easily view these vital documents.”
“Our system is designed to be scalable for individuals from all states, health systems, insurers and national organizations. We provide a safe and secure place to store the documents, and make them available 24 hours a day wherever they are needed,” said Dr. Joseph T. Barmakian, who founded the U.S. Living Will Registry in 1996. “VeriMed is taking a leadership position in ensuring ready access to important advance directives, and we are excited to be their partner in providing this valuable service,” continued Barmakian.
Advance directives, commonly known as living wills and health care proxies, are legal documents that allow a person to make their health care wishes known if they are incapacitated and unable to make decisions for themselves. In a health care proxy (health care power of attorney), a person names someone to make decisions for them. Interest in advance directives increased dramatically with nationwide attention to the case of Floridian Terri Schiavo. Ms. Schiavo was in a chronic vegetative state, and did not have an advance directive. The national attention to Ms. Schiavo’s case prompted many to prepare their own advance directive in order to spare their families a similar fate.
About U.S. Living Will Registry
The U.S. Living Will Registry is the leading provider of advance directive management services in the country. Providing this service for more than ten years, The U.S. Living Will Registry is the largest secure web-based repository of advance directive documents in North America.
Please alert, assist, and direct family and friends to these documents WILL TO LIVE DOCS. The fact that they 'use' Terri Schiavo as a 'poster child' for this is disgusting and
deplorable!! GOD HELP US!
Why are priests celibate?
Fr. Andrew Cozzens is on the teaching faculty of St. Thomas Seminary and School of Divinity.
A 'veil tip' to the blogging seminarians at Future Priests of the Third Millennium for this video. You can read more about seminary life at their blog.Monday, March 26, 2007
St. Michael 9 Month Prayer Campaign
Secret - New Age - STAY AWAY!
When you can't stand on your faith you'll 'fall' for anything! That's why you've got to learn it, know it, and LIVE IT! Or you really will fall!
Kentucky - St. Mark Catholic Church Fundraisers Use 'Stars'
Apparently Martin Short will make an appearance.
Museum Honoring Sr. Lucia
phone 00351239717844
Happy Feast of the Annunciation!
Almighty Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You have revealed the beauty of Your power by exalting the lowly virgin of Nazareth and making her the mother of our Savior.May the prayers of this woman bring Jesus to the waiting world and fill the void of incompletion with the presence of her Child, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Pope: the Annunciation, Mary’s and the martyrs’ “Yes”
For the future here is more information on St. Louis de Montfort and I have studied Rev. Patrick Gaffney's, S.M.M. work on de Montfort . They deeply benefit the soul!
Another rich one -Montfort Spirituality by Fr. Pat Gaffney