+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Letter to Pastor Rick Warren from HLI's - Pres. Rev. Tom Euteuneuer
CONTACT: Stephen Phelan, 602-380-3464
December 19, 2008
HLI Challenges Pastor’s Participation
In Obama Inauguration
FRONT ROYAL, VA — The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International (HLI), today challenged Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA to reconsider his participation in the upcoming inaugural ceremonies for President-elect Barack Obama.
“We applaud Pastor Warren’s support of pro-life causes as well as his defense of traditional marriage,” said Father Euteneuer. “This is why we are concerned that his high-profile and explicitly Christian prayerful invocation at President-elect Obama’s inauguration may be perceived as an endorsement, even a blessing, of what will likely be the most anti-life administration in the history of this country.”
President-elect Obama has promised to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), a massive assault on the dignity of life. He is also widely expected to reverse President George W. Bush’s executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which prevents funding of international groups and programs that advocate abortion, as well as funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) which, among other assaults on life, has been demonstrated to support coercive “family planning” measures in China, including forced abortions and sterilizations.
“President-elect Obama has given every indication that he has no respect for the lives of the unborn, and whenever given the opportunity, has promised to enforce the most extreme demands of anti-life groups,” said Father Euteneuer. “This extremist agenda should not be seen to have the endorsement of pro-life leaders such as Pastor Warren.”
“I respect the personal relationship that Pastor Warren has with Mr. Obama,” said Father Euteneuer. “But such a public and explicitly Christian endorsement as this invocation is certainly confusing to those who know Mr. Obama’s record on life issues. We respectfully ask Pastor Warren to reconsider his participation in the inaugural ceremonies, given Mr. Obama’s extremist anti-life views.”
Will Smith's Newest Movie - "Seven Pounds" - A Review
""Seven Pounds" is just gruesome, a horrid misfire by a well intentioned actor who will definitely be able to bounce back. I hope."
Me too...sad...at Christmas too. (Movie tickets, in my neck of the woods, are too expensive for my budget anyway - $9.25 each - a pretty expensive night out with hubby)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The "O Antiphons"

O Holy Night - I know this one doesn't come under the "O Antiphons" but it is one my favorite Christmas Carols. The verses touch my heart each time I hear it.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
'Til He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn;
A Good Read: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann's Column 12-15-08
"The result is that there will be constant deflationary pressure on oil prices, a vicious cycle that will impoverish all the right people."
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Recommendation of site: The Right Side of Life
SEE tonight:Berg v. Obama: Application Refiled with Justice Kennedy
AOL in on the Obama Birth Certificate Controversy
And this one made me feel much better about the situation - read - Do not be discouraged: we need to fight on
Nativity News Round-up
Benedict XVI Encourages Home Nativity Scenes
Pickup truck Nativity scene returns to Lafayette
Unusual Nativity Scenes in Spain
Obama New Top Wise Man In Nativity Scenes
Salina, Richfield decline to display nativity
Anglicans Add Hindu Snowmen, Chinese Dragon to Christmas Displays
Jesus figurine stolen from nativity scene in Paw Paw
Lawsuit Against Manitowoc County Nativity Scene
Ohio city's Jesus figure found hanging
Churches can track baby Jesus statutes
No, Virginia, Christmas isn’t being exterminated
Faith keeps seaside Nativity scene on shelf
GPS, hidden cameras watching over Baby Jesus
Foundation Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Rapids Over Nativity Display
Seasonal thefts
Prayer Need: Nativity Scene: Baby Jesus Taken
Sorry, Baby Jesus. While You are with Your 'captors', I know You'll make and leave a mark on their hearts.
Catholic Health Association Welcomes the Naming of Tom Daschle & Jeanne Lambrew to Obama Cabinet
The Catholic Health Association welcomes President-elect Barack Obama's official nomination today of former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to be his secretary of Health and Human Services and the person to oversee a new White House Office of Health Reform. Also, we are pleased that Obama named Jeanne Lambrew to serve as deputy director of new White House Office of Health Reform.
We applaud the President-elect for choosing these two extraordinary and capable leaders who bring an enormous understanding of health care delivery issues and the need for meaningful reform for American families and businesses.
President-elect Obama has shown with today's announcements that he continues to understand that health care reform is a major domestic policy issue. At the same time, he remains true to his pre-election promises to achieve health care reform that provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans while building on the existing health care system.
We share the vision that our country will only have a renewed and vibrant economy when we enact health reform designed to create and sustain a strong, healthy national community. The reforms should truly promote the nation's well-being and cover everyone with a reasonable, basic benefits package. To achieve this goal, the Catholic health ministry looks forward to working with the President-elect and with future HHS Secretary Daschle and Deputy Director Lambrew.
It seems to me we're doing double work here....does anybody else feel that way? If we'd just gotten the job done right the first time we wouldn't be in this position.
Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) - USCCB
Good Info
Monday, December 15, 2008
Spirit & Life ® Volume 03, Number 44 | Friday, December 12, 2008
Tony & Cherie Blair News
Tony Blair was a 'secret Catholic,' former aide says
Globalization Needs 'Values' to Succeed, Says Blair
Blair had fears about becoming Catholic
Blair feared 'palaver' over Catholicism conversion
Tony Blair and Belinda Stronach Join to Support Faiths Act Fellowship
Tony Blair Organizing World's Faiths to Stomp for Abortion Via UN Millenium Development Goals
Cherie Blair Denies Pro-Abortion Label at Angelicum Lecture
Cherie Blair defends pro-life credentials
'I don't have horns and a tail,' Cherie Blair tells Vatican college audience
[...]"'I have been a practicing Catholic all my life and it would be rather strange if I didn't adhere to the teachings of the Church."
[...]Then in a clear reference to her own views Mrs Blair added:'I am on the record as having had difficulties with accepting the current teaching of responsible parenthood.'
Mrs Blair also surprised Vatican observers by calling for more women in the Church and said:'There is no reason why half of all Curia (governing body of the Catholic Church) posts should not be filled by women.
'It seems an impossible dream.'
'She made it clear in her speech that she has problems with the Church's position on contraception and she recognised that and said that debate was needed.'
What is the difference between dissent and reasonable debate?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Prayer Need:Cardinal Dulles RIP 12-12-08
The Very Model Of Lucidity
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
PRAYER ALERT: Another TRY at it - Ireland & the EU!
EU: Ireland will vote again on treaty next year
EU seal deals on economy, climate packages
They're gonna work this one for real and much harder because of the 'global financial crisis' ! YEA RIGHT!
GET ready...BIG prayers are needed.
Our Lady of Knock, please intercede for Ireland.