Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fr. 'Z' - John Allen in Hell’s Bible on the Motu Proprio

Warned in Scotland

Cardinal warns Catholic pols cooperation with abortion is a barrier to receive Eucharist

Do you think more of this will happen?

Immigrants sue employer for back wages

Other immigrants who worked in restaurants in Pittsburgh, New York, Anaheim, Calif. and elsewhere are expected to join the suit as early as this week. They plan to seek class-action status but would have to recover any judgment from the government, which has seized the shuttered firm's assets, lawyer Justin Mixon said.

Columbariums BANNED in Florida

'Veil tip' to Michael Brown at Spirit Daily, the 'Drudge Report' of Catholic News...

Wiser heads are now prevailing...
Bishops don't want responsibility of caring for 'burial grounds'

For a combination of earthly and theological reasons, the bishops have banned construction of new columbaria -- or cremation vaults -- at the state's Catholic churches. While funeral home directors like Dave Woodward, Holly Hill, say cremation is a popular trend in the funeral industry, Archbishop John C. Favalora of Miami said he worries about the legal ramifications of local churches taking on cemetery-like responsibilities.

"The care and tending of burial grounds is not a parish's primary mission, and its grounds are not set aside in perpetuity for that purpose," said the archbishop in an open letter last month. In a sentimental note, Favalora recognized that parish columbaria are "well-intentioned attempts to return to the ancient practice of having church members buried in the church yards."

But Catholic leaders also fear the parish columbaria will give the wrong impression that the church favors cremation over burials.

Ahhh, too late...remember New Jersey's -Bishop Paul Bootkoski of the Metuchen Diocese?
"This is what's happening today. This is the reality. It is the wave of the future."
Sounds like 'the wave' stopped outside the state of Florida! Maybe, the bishops of Florida can 'make waves' at the next USCCB General Assembly next month June 20-22. One can hope...and pray. Thank you Archbishop Favalora! God Bless YOU! His contact info here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm Confused! Catholic Crematorium?

Catholic parishes yield to cremation trend

"This is what's happening today. This is the reality. It is the wave of the future," said Bishop Paul Bootkoski of the Metuchen Diocese, which is building the crematory. "We're going along with what our Catholic population is looking for."

So, now dioceses are allowing columbariums and crematoriums? The Cathedral of another diocese has recently built a columbarium on their property and I understand that the diocese has allowed (& promoted-?)the building of Columbariums. I can't understand why this is being allowed. If we're teaching that cremation should not be encouraged then why are 'we' building them on church properties?

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

Christ the King Catholic Church, NC

St. William Catholic Church - Murphy, NC

The Cathedral St. Paul -Birmingham, AL (pdf.-zoom in on left of 'lawn')

Diocese adds mortuary to cemetery services

Info on Cremation:

Cremation: History

Cremation: Ashes to Ashes

Return to the Earth

Cord blood stem cells produce insulin: researchers

'Chipped Cop'

Monday, May 28, 2007

Evangelizing with a smile

Arkansas parish tackles 'Catholic Extreme Makeover' on priest's home

"I am hopeful I can walk again, but I am more hopeful that God will restore in me what he wants to," Father Ogbuji told the Arkansas Catholic, Little Rock diocesan newspaper. "Even if he doesn't, I will still be the same person."Life is not just about physical appearances. It's much more than that," he added.

"Life is more about the image of God. It's about patience and understanding and accepting the will of God even if it conflicts with your own personal plans. Life is about service (even) if you are only able to smile at people. Even if I can't use my legs and limbs, I can smile and help people who are going through the same things."

The Holy Spirit

When the Holy Ghost Has Found Mary in a Soul


Memorial Day 2007

Remember all veterans, military and military families today in prayer at 3:00 p.m. and most especially those that have sacrificed their lives for GOD and country.

Catholic mother promotes faith, fitness, and patriotism

The Gloria
Glory to God in the highest
and peace to his people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
almighty God and Father,
we worship you, we give you thanks,
we praise you for your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
you take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father:
receive our prayer.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.