+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
The Guardian Angels

The Guardian Angel Prayer
Angel of God,
my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here, Ever this day,
be at my side,
To light and guard,
Rule and guide.
One more thing:
Remember that EVERYBODY has a Guardian Angel regardless of the state of grace, or lack of grace. Good, bad, or indifferent! Pray. Ask that everybody come to know their Guardian Angel-to acknowledge their presence and that they be directed by them. Pray that President Obama and all our Congressman/women hear and acknowledge their Guardian Angel and do what they are asked to do - to do HIS Will IN ALL THINGS AT ALL TIMES!
GOP McCain & Graham Pushing 'THEIR PLAN'
McCain & Graham...get a clue...the only reason you got my vote was because of Sarah Palin! And I'm sure that's the ONLY reason you got ANY VOTES!
John McCain's mission: A GOP makeover
"Fresh from a humbling loss in last year's presidential election, Sen. John McCain is working behind-the-scenes to reshape the Republican Party in his own center-right image."
"Lindsey Graham Speaks Out Against Beck & Conservative Fringe Elements (FINALLY)"
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Question about Swine Flu
[my emphasis]
Do You Need Vaccine if You've Already Had H1N1?
The short answer is: Yes AND yes, according to experts at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
“People who have actually been infected with the 2009 H1N1 virus likely do have some immunity,” said Jay Butler, MD, chief of the CDC’s 2009 H1N1 Vaccine Task Force. “But the important issue is whether or not they know that’s what they were actually infected with.” [WHAT?! DID YOU GET THAT ONE?! PAY ATTENTION PEOPLE!!! SPEAK UP! USE YOUR GOD GIVEN GIFTS TO DISCERN THIS STUFF!]
Most suspected H1N1 cases are diagnosed without laboratory confirmation.
“Early in the epidemic, we had other strains of influenza circulating,” Butler said. “There are other viruses that can make people ill as well. So, even if someone has had an illness that’s similar to influenza, even if there was perhaps a credible diagnosis of H1N1 infection made, our recommendation would still be to receive the vaccine so that you know that you’re immune.”
St. Therese of Lisieux

Relics Itinerary 2009 (PDF)
How St. Therese would love to be living in these exciting times...for she had such a strong desire to travel for Christ - to be a missionary; she wrote letters encouraging and providing spiritual support to missionaries -see here.
Writing to the same missionary two months later, she confided to him her conviction that all missionaries are not only saved but will not even pass through Purgatory to enter heaven “How can God,” she asks, “purify in the flames of Purgatory souls consumed in the fires of divine love? Of course no human life is free from faults, only the Immaculate Virgin presents herself in absolute purity before God’s majesty. What a joy to remember that she is our Mother! Since she loves us and knows our weaknesses, what have we to fear? What a lot of phrases to express my thought….I simply wanted to say that it seems to me that all missionaries are martyrs by desire and will, and that, in consequence, not one should go to Purgatory. If, at the moment they appear before God, some traces of human weakness remain in their souls, the Blessed Virgin obtains for them the grace to make an act of perfect love, and then gives them the palm and the crown they have so truly merited.
And how blessed are we to have the use of this technology to do HIS work - 'blogging' - spreading HIS TRUTH from the comforts of our homes and with the love of/from our families and friends. GOD IS SOOO GOOD!
News: St Therese of Lisieux’s remains set to draw thousands of pilgrims to York Minster
Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux at Liverpool's Catholic...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Ireland Lisbon Treaty News - Vote No Oct. 2
EU reform treaty faces referendum test in Ireland
Ireland's EU referendum is the last stand against the 'project'
UPDATE 2-Irish jobless trend gives govt cheer as EU vote looms
Irish PM:No 3rd Referendum If Lisbon Treaty Is Rejected Again
Irish Bishops say No Problem with Lisbon Treaty: Pro-Life/Democracy Groups Dismayed
EUROPA - Treaty of Lisbon
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Listen (5:19 min)to what he says about abortion being dealt with...?....has it?
Daniel Hannan (he is AWESOME!) ->Why Irish voters are backtracking on the Lisbon Treaty (SEE Hannan on Hannity, here, on Glenn Beck - here, and here.)
Dana enters Lisbon debate
In a statement tonight, former MEP Dana Rosemary Scallon entered the Lisbon debate saying 'we must not be afraid to vote No to Lisbon'.
She added: 'The people must know the truth, that the guarantees are worthless and that the EU will have primacy over Ireland's Constitution.
'Lisbon is not about tidying up the democratic process - it is about tying up the democratic process.
Ms Scallon, who also campained to become President in 1997, said that the Lisbon Treaty will undermine Ireland's sovereignty and political independence and profoundly weaken Ireland's position in Europe.
Will the Irish vote 'yes'?
Priest calles for 'No' vote in treaty referendum
We owe it to people of Europe to vote No
Ireland's EU treaty battle aimed at churchgoers
European Commission criticised over Lisbon leaflet
Outcome of vote as important as accession to EU, says Cowen
EU Vote Could Shake Up Markets
Cox warns of impact of No vote
Irish No will not stop Europe advancing, says France
Ok, folks...we need a replay of prayers for Ireland to VOTE NO!
Ratchet-them-up, most especially on this feast day of the Archangels! We need ANOTHER VOTE NO!!!
Feast of the Archangels - St. Gabriel, St. Michael, St. Raphael
Monday, September 28, 2009
ALERT - **Microchip in Medicine - NOVARTIS
- The company is testing inserting tiny microchips into the pills as part of a system that tracks whether patients are taking their meds as prescribed. When patients veer off course, they get a text message reminder.
Novartis Speeds Ahead On Swine Flu Vaccine
Swine Flu News
Tracking the Swine Flu vaccine side effects
Mandatory flu vaccination splits workers
Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids
Health Care News
"Gordon Brown will try to win back Labour's collapsing support in Middle Britain with a promise to save 10,000 lives a year by giving NHS patients the right to cancer test results within a week."Health 'Reform' Is Income Redistribution
Health Care Reform Is a Women's Issue
Health care hot spots
Liberals Seek Health Care Access for Illegals
Sen. Schumer to put government option in health bill
Obama resumes health care push, vows to 'get it done this year'
Please pray for her - Snowe is the woman with clout on health care