+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Dollar - News
Dollar Not Going Anywhere: IMF
G20 unlikely to discuss dollar's role-Japan
WORLD FOREX: Euro Rally Vs Dlr Halts; All Eyes On ECB, G20
Gold, other commodities retreat as dollar advances
China's united currency idea divides nations
They might not talk about it openly, but there will most likely be something done...I bet you.
Another 'change'? Probably.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Scandal at Notre Dame - Obama Commencement News Items - # 5
Catholic United denies White House ‘tip’ on Sebelius nomination
Criticism over Obama invite mounts at Notre Dame
Catholics United Defends Its Performance in Obama/Notre Dame Controversy
No-Bama at Notre Dame
Notre Dame Students Denounce Obama Speech
Obama's invitation
Distressed that Obama Flap Will Overshadow Graduation Day: A Notre Dame Mom's View
White House and Progressive Catholics Slow to Defend Obama's Notre Dame Appearance
Richard Viguerie: Notre Dame Honor for Obama is Part of a Collapse in American Institutions and Their Leaders
Around the Catholic Blogs
Bishop Olmsted tells Fr. Jenkins Obama invitation "public act of disobedience to US Bishops"
Obama and Notre dame
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Michael D. O'Brien - 'Globalization' - NWO
Globalization and the New World Order
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
G20 News
On the second day of five-day tour ahead of G20 summit, prime minister denies lack of consensus over dealing with the global financial crisis
G20 must act on banking reform, job creation: Brown
Soros: G20 a "make or break" event for markets
Swiss to discuss tax co-operation with US, Japan
China May Press G-20 to Guard Its US Assets, Researcher Says
Forthcoming London meeting of G-20 could be a fireworks display
G-20 Meeting May Give Impetus to WTO Accord, U.K., Brazil Say
US and European paths to recovery diverge
Britain's Brown expects results from G20 summit
Scandal at Notre Dame - Obama Commencement News Items - # 4
Verbatim: White House responds to Notre Dame commencement boycott:
Petition - Randall Terry - Stop Obama Notre Dame -
Pray to ‘Our Lady’ for Notre Dame University, Says Indiana Bishop
The Observer - Notre Dame Campus Newspaper - Online - Viewpoint
Mixed reaction on Notre Dame visit
'Fox And Friends' Exclusive: Notre Dame In Uproar Over Obama Speech
Should Notre Dame ‘disinvite’ Obama?
Abortion debate dogs Obama's plan to deliver commencement address
Should Obama speak at Notre Dame?
Notre Dame's Obama invite outrages some Catholics
Around the Catholic Blogs:
***Canon Lawyer - Ed Peters -Breviter: Two things Bp. D'Arcy couldn't do re Notre Dame
AmP Poll: What do you think of Notre Dame's invitation to Obama?
"Truth Over Prestige"
Fr. Reese's flawed arguments for Pres. Obama at Notre Dame
The Annunciation
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Update: Plan B - Morning After Pill
Back Up Your Birth Control Day Gets a Boost from Court Decision
Plan B Ruling Endangers Health and Parental RightsThe court ordered the FDA to expand over-the-counter access to 17-year-olds within 30 days. It further ordered the FDA to reconsider the application to eliminate all age restrictions to over-the-counter access to emergency contraception, which is sometimes called Plan B or the "morning-after pill."
FDA Ordered to Rethink Age Restriction for Plan B
Morning-After Pill for Girls of All Ages?
Americans United for Life Condemns Ruling Increasing Minors ...
Advocates for Youth Applauds Court Ruling on EC Age Restriction
Let's Take A Look At G20 News & Info
The Working Groups
Communiques March 14, 2009
Communiqué Annex - Restoring lending: a framework for financial repair and recovery, 14 March 2009 (PDF 25KB)
China May Press G-20 to Guard Its US Assets, Researcher Says
Obama Urges G20 to Take Bold Economic Action
London prepares for violent G20 protests
Wishlists for a new world order
China calls for new global currency
And I throw this one in for good measure---(connect the dots):
Officials seek new power over financial companies
Update: Alabama Tea Party - Hoover - Shelby County

Scandal at Notre Dame - Obama Commencement News Items - # 3
Despite criticism, Notre Dame firm on Obama as commencement speaker
Critics Blast Obama's Scheduled Notre Dame Commencement Address
Pro-Lifers Plans at Notre Dame: Keep Obama from Speaking
Georgetown’s Thomas Reese weighs in on Barack Obama-Notre Dame ...
Vast protest against Obama commencement address at Notre Dame gathers pace
Notre Dame Defends Obama Invitation as Antiabortion Protests Mount
Obama faces Notre Dame backlash
FOX NEWS- America’s Talking 1 P.M. Question (@ 2:30 p.m. cent -254 comments)
Around the Catholic Blogs:
Update: ND Scandal - Bishop D'Arcy Speaks
Monday, March 23, 2009
Update: ND Responds to Scandal
A spokesman for the University of Notre Dame says it won't rescind an invitation to President Obama to speak at its spring commencement despite criticism from some Catholics that his views on abortion and stem cell research run counter to Catholic teaching.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Scandal at Notre Dame - Obama Commencement News Items - # 2
Pro-Life Opposition Grows to Notre Dame Honoring Pro-Abortion Barack Obama
The Destruction of Notre Dame
Notre Dame's President John Jenkins at Crossroads Over Obama Award
Notre Dame students (heart) Obama
ALL Condems Obama Appearance At Notre Dame University
America The National Catholic Weekly - Three Cheers for Notre Dame
(Threshing grain.....)
What is it about President Obama that makes the right wing so crazy, so uncharitable, so frothing-at-the-mouth unreasonable? I asked another priest who ventured racism was part of the answer. I am not so sure.
This crowd of conservatives does not own the Catholic Church. They certainly do not own Notre Dame University. They are about to find out that they do not own Dr. Glendon either. The rest of us Catholics, however, must not let the public square think that they do. Our voices must be raised to say that we are thrilled such a distinguished Catholic university is considered such a part of the life of the nation that our President will be coming to address its graduates. We are thrilled that he will be sharing the stage with one of our Church’s and nation’s finest scholars and diplomats. And, we should be thrilled that the right wing commentariat has again adopted its smug "I thank Thee, Lord, that I am not like other men" stance. The Master condemned many things when he trod the earth, but none more than the smug judgmentalism of the Pharisees. Alas, like the poor, the Pharisees will be with us always. You will be able to find them on Graduation Day protesting outside the gates at Notre Dame.
Outrage Over Obama's Appearance at Notre Dame: Who Are the Political Victims? (The USCCB can either lead or GET OUTTA THE WAY! The laity has been carrying this issue for many years and they have had enough! Again--Lead or get outta the way!)
Notre Dame's Honoring Pro-Abortion Barack Obama Makes College Less SpecialIt's striking that the protest is spearheaded by grass-roots Catholics, as opposed to the Roman Catholic hierarchy. It's in-the-pews conservatives who are pressuring U.S. bishops to speak out against an alleged injustice; typically, it's the other way around, with bishops imploring their flock to action.
re: Notre Dame -George Weigel writes - NRO-Kathryn Jean Lopez -
Petition Launched to Stop Obama From Speaking at Notre Dame
REMINDER: Obama beat Sen. John McCain in St. Joseph County, Ind. home of Notre Dame, by 17 points, aided by support from the school’s students.
From ND - Online Newspaper - The Observer Online (While I was checking around their site I found this info:See: Terms of Use and Service - "an Internet website offered in cooperation with the mtvU Television channel ("MTVU Channel"- WARNING SCANDAL-GRAPHIC).
Some applaud, others condemn Obama announcement
Obama selection a betrayal of Notre Dame's mission