+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Did Vice-Pres. (then Sen.) Biden Warn Us?
Another Reminder - How realistic is a North American currency?
Could this be what Vice-President Biden was warning us about?
Biden: Obama Will be 'Tested' by World in First 6 Months of AdministrationWatch the video. (The comment was made on Oct.19,2008 in Seattle, WA.).
Biden to Supporters: "Gird Your Loins", For the Next President "It's Like Cleaning Augean Stables"
ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.
"Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate," Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. "And he's gonna need help. And the kind of help he's gonna need is, he's gonna need you - not financially to help him - we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him.
Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."
Gird your loins," Biden told the crowd. "We're gonna win with your help, God willing, we're gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride. This president, the next president, is gonna be left with the most significant task. It's like cleaning the Augean stables, man. This is more than just, this is more than – think about it, literally, think about it – this is more than just a capital crisis, this is more than just markets. This is a systemic problem we have with this economy."
OBAMA DEFENDS BIDEN COMMENT -Listen closely to what he says!
Remember Obama's Opinion on the Constitution:
Mr. Gibbs and Reporter - Getting the Truth
Lamestream Media Clashes With Gibbs They give him a hard time about the $100 million in spending cuts
Monday, April 20, 2009
Happy 86th Birthday Mother Angelica!

Tea Party News Items
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
More: Lou Dobbs: Janeane Garofalo & Keith Olberman -Tea Parties - "Racist Rednecks"
President Obama's Sr. White House Adviser- Axelrod suggests 'Tea Party' movement is 'unhealthy'
Truth behind Tuscaloosa tea party
Republican Booed Off Tea Party Stage
National Media Dismiss, Disparage and Attack Tax Day Tea Parties
Drive-Bys and Democrats Attack and Impugn Tea Party Protestors