Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli of Paterson, N.J., the chairman of the bishops doctrine committee, which wrote the new guidelines, said that although it was difficult to predict whether it would pass, “It’s a very sound document, a very clear document. My sense is that the bishops will readily embrace it.”
Gay Catholic leaders who had read the draft, however, predicted that it would only further alienate gays and their families from the church.
“There certainly is some lovely language that sounds welcoming in here,” said Sam Sinnett, president of DignityUSA, an organization for gay Catholics, “but essentially they’re repeating all the spiritually violent things they’ve been saying about gay and lesbian Catholics for a couple of decades — that we are ‘objectively disordered’ and our relationships are intrinsically evil.”
+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, October 28, 2006
More from the USCCB Before Their Nov. Meeting
Why am I Catholic?
"Anyone who has discovered Christ must
lead others to him.
A great joy cannot be kept to oneself. It has to be passed on."
Pope Benedict XVI
(2005 World Youth Day)
Blasphemy Planned Again in Jerusalem
We pray and hope that it will be stopped--period!Parade is scheduled for November 10. Counter demonstrations and protests are
being organised. Police might stop everything for security reasons.
In July Israel’s chief Sephardic rabbi, Shlomo Amar, had called on Benedict XVI for help to stop Gay pride celebrations in Jerusalem.
In his letter, Rabbi Amar had said such an event would “violate and humiliate” the Holy City.
Israel’s chief Ashkenazi rabbi, Yona Metzger, had also demanded that the “parade in the Holy City of Jerusalem be cancelled.”
In recent days, survey results released during a meeting of the Knesset’s Internal Affairs Committee indicated that among secular Jews, 63 per cent oppose the parade; 81 per cent of conservative Jews are opposed, 99 per cent of National Religious are opposed; 100 per cent of Orthodox are opposed; and 92 per cent of Arab Muslims and Christians are opposed.
Jerusalem Loses Battle to Ban Gay Pride Parade—Court-Ordered Date Set for November 10
Cardinals Using New Technology
Go over and listen to some of the files/podcasts! I had a hard time on downloading a couple of the items but was successful at grabbing his latest item- Vidcast: Theology of the Body - Part II. I don't have the time this a.m. to watch or listen--chores and errands, but I'm sure that its great. I am so excited to see the curia using the technology that God has gifted us with to evangelize!
Have a great Saturday!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Imagine this is "Baby Jesus" underneath the Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart!
Denial of Sin
Sisters’ Revival Bingo is Back! Revival Bingo
This is taking place on the premises of a Catholic Church in San Francisco, CA.
About MHR. Pride Parade. See blessing from Fr. Meriwether on Parade Attendees!
MHR Blog (Unofficial) See May 2006 entry & comments.
Look at the Calendar for Nov. 2 Private Function and is scheduled again for Dec. 7th- another Revival Bingo!
A "Private Function" already took place there last month! Here. And there's obviously a HUGE problem/pattern-see Switch Hitters Ball 2003
Pastor of MHR: Rev. Stephen Meriwether- ***Chancellor of the Archdiocese of S.F.***
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Stem Cell Information
"Quotes to Note" from Physicians for Life:
“We have heard a great deal about stem cells lately. There are two basic types: stem cells gathered by killing human embryos, and stem cells from adults or from the placenta or umbilical cord of newborn babies. We need to promote the use of umbilical cord & placental blood stem cells, and adult stem cells, because these are morally and ethically acceptable. The people of America need to be made
aware that not one person has to date been "cured" using stem cells from human embryos. On the other hand, adult or placental stem cells have been used successfully in thousands of medical procedures so
far." Tim Hughes, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Good or Bad News in N.J.?
New Jersey's highest court ruled Wednesday that gay couples are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals, but that lawmakers must determine whether the state will honor gay marriage or some other form of civil union.
The high court gave lawmakers 180 days to rewrite marriage laws to either include same-sex couples or create a new system of civil unions for them.
The ruling is similar to the 1999 decision in Vermont that led to civil unions there, which offer the benefits of marriage, but not the name.
What? Vote on Iraq Withdrawal?
In Gloucester,Massachusetts...and in other states...
Voters in several cities in Wisconsin and Illinois will consider a similar question.
Organizers said they do not expect the results to turn U.S. policy around. But they said the outcome could at least make the growing anti-war sentiment clear to the policymakers.
More on the MO. Cloning
The so-called "coalition" that is seeking a state constitutional amendment to protect human cloning and embryonic stem-cell research is being financed almost exclusively from one bank account - that of James and Virginia Stowers.
Campaign finance reports filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission reveal that the Kansas City billionaire couple has contributed about $15.4 million of the $16 million raised since last fall by the so-called "Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures."
Adrienne Hynek, director of the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocesan Respect Life Office, said that James and Virginia Stowers are using their personal wealth to rewrite the state constitution.
"The Stowers are funding 95 percent of this effort," Hynek said. "They are effectively attempting to purchase a state constitutional amendment that would create an unprecedented and unregulated constitutional right to clone human life simply to turn around and destroy it.
Pay attention to the rest of the info./list in the article and act accordingly. Talk to your friends and family in MO. Get the word out as this is a foreshadowing moment!"Missouri is a national leader in the defense of life," Hynek said. "If voters allow one wealthy couple to rewrite the Missouri Constitution at the expense of life, this would set in motion a new and dangerous trend in our state and quite possibly the nation."
Euthanasia - Dignitas
But although he would trade everything for one more day with the woman he was
married to for 45 years, he insists he doesn't regret the way in which she died — at Dignitas, the Swiss suicide clinic (translated pg.)
More telling...
Last week, however, the injunction was lifted and the family are finally at liberty to talk. Their story provides a unique insight into the emotive issue of assisted suicide.
It shows just how rapidly the concept of euthanasia has become acceptable to many people in our society — barely five years since motor neurone disease victim Diane Pretty was denied the right to die, first putting the issue in the headlines.
Reasons for Early Motherhood - Don't Delay!
I knew that there were more reasons to have children at an earlier age. I have often thought the earlier the better because sleep, energy, & stamina are hard to come by after 30+ yrs. of age.Women who delay having children could be condemning their daughters to the heartbreak of infertility, warn researchers.
A new study suggests older mothers may bequeath a devastating legacy by passing on biological flaws that will make it more difficult for their own daughters to get pregnant.
Dramatic findings from a US study of almost 80 women undergoing fertility treatment shows those who failed to conceive had older mothers than those who succeeded.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Catholic Action Network
Not enough going on in Missouri? Justice for Women in the Catholic Church -Look at the picture...
As a general point, and taking a pointer from modern literary studies about the different ways different readers read the same texts, there is for many Catholics an inbuilt "queerness" to Catholicism: the distinct Christian teaching that gender is irrelevant to salvation; religious women going around with men's names; an extraordinary number of men called "Mary" (St. John Vianney for instance)!....The rest of church "queerness" history is blasphemous! I have to wonder what the point is for me to even post this information other then to inform, but it has to be known that this behavior, action and thought permeates many parishes around the U.S. and in Europe. We can only pray for these people and make sure that the wolves do not take the sheep! LORD have mercy!
Gosh, there's so much to do--St. Louis Justice and Peace Shares
St. Catherine of Siena pray for us!
St. Ignatius Please Intercede
The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International, issued the following statement in response to Georgetown University Law Center's announcement that they have established the Robert F. Drinan, S.J., chair in Human Rights:
"It is deeply disturbing that a university that claims to honor and perpetuate the Catholic faith would establish a human rights chair in the name of a heretical priest who has spent much of his lifetime advocating for the most heinous of human rights violations: abortion. Sadly, Georgetown University -- a Jesuit institution -- has a long history of mocking the Faith, including hosting pornographer and social degenerate Larry Flynt and at one point removing crucifixes from the classroom in spite of student protests to keep them.
To Contact Georgetown University Law Center:
600 New Jersey Ave. N.W.
Washington D.C. 20001
ph. 202.662.9000
Fr. Drinan --From the Wanderer-"Who Should Be Denied Communion?" May 13, 2004
"There we have it, from the mouths of men who crafted the policy: Abortion was not thrust on unsuspecting Catholic leaders from outside, it was these very leaders who were maneuvering in the background to effect the change a decade before the Supreme Court did most of the dirty work for them. With Fr. Drinan in Congress from 1970 to 1980, voting the extreme pro-abortion position and enjoying the fervid support of prestigious Jesuits in so doing, the fractured Catholic opposition was effectively neutralized and — in terms of elected officials — it never regained force.
"Although many Catholic pols justified their pro-abortion stance by claiming that it was their democratic duty to represent their constituents’ views instead of their own, in fact it was the overwhelmingly anti-abortion convictions of voters (early in the game) that prevented their showing their true pro-abortion colors until public sentiment had turned in their favor.
"Drinan, Kennedy, Dodd, Leahy, Mikulski, Murray, Kerry, Biden — these aren’t thoughtful pluralists reluctantly obliged to compromise with radical colleagues, they are red-in-tooth-and-claw full-throttle NARAL-celebrating ideologues. Far from comprising a threat to abortion rights, communicant Catholics were a necessary condition of their triumph.
"Long planned, hard won, fiercely defended, abortion-on-demand is the Catholic gift to American public life, perhaps our Church’s only enduring political achievement. Small wonder the bishops are terrified of Communion-rail catechesis."
More on Stem Cells-Catholic View
Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, director of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia, Pa., with a doctorate in neuroscience from Yale University, four undergraduate degrees in molecular and cellular biology, chemistry, biochemistry and philosophy, as well as two degrees in advanced theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome-dispels the notion:
"It is incorrect to say that the Roman Catholic Church is against stem-cell research," he said to begin his talk. "It is only correct to say the Roman Catholic Church is against embryonic stem-cell research. The ethical concerns differ with the source of the stem cells, because you do have to destroy an early and vulnerable human to get embryonic cells."
Father Pacholczyk stressed that the Catholic Church supports adult stem-cell research, and went on to clarify the difference between normal cells, such as skin cells, and stem cells.
Adult Stem Cells
The researchers point out that fat tissue, like bone marrow and umbilical cords, contains hundreds of thousands of adult stem cells that are naturally programmed to heal and repair the human body. Called fat-derived adult stem cells, laboratory researchers have prompted them to convert to fat, bone, cartilage and muscle. Researchers believe these cells could help treat heart conditions, heal broken bones, and even be used in reconstructive surgery. According to Dr. Jeffrey Gimble of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge and current president of IFATS, “We now know fat is much more than just those extra pounds we carry around. It’s a dynamic tissue that holds secrets to treating disease. Unlocking the potential of stem cells found in fat tissue is just the beginning.”
Monday, October 23, 2006
More on "Chipped" Physicians
53 Physicians Implanted -"Chipped"
VeriChip Corporation, a subsidiary of Applied Digital Solutions (NASDAQ:ADSX), announced today that it added 370 physicians to the VeriMed Physician Network at the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Convention held from October 17-20th n Las Vegas. Including the 300 physicians that agreed to participate in the Network at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Family Physicians earlier this month, the total number of physicians participating in the network now exceeds 1,000. In addition, 53 physicians at the convention were implanted with a VeriMed microchip.
Can someone please explain why they would do this!? Really!? Btw...I was out bra shopping (it's NOT my favorite thing to do. Is it any woman's?) this past weekend. I was stunned and puzzled as to why a "RFID tag" was placed on the inside of the bra cup. How did I miss that before I tried it on?! Truly embarrassing! Imagine how it felt close to the skin. Ugh! I immediately removed the bra. Just one more reason not to purchase "tagged" items!
More on TLC's "The Monastery"
My favorite moment: Brother Rodrigo's conversation about the Virgin Mother--the question-"was the Virgin-really a virgin?" (I paraphrase here) He so lovingly spoke of his mother-stating she was "his mother" and you don't speak or blaspheme her at all. You could see the love on his face and hear the tone of love in his voice. He got the point across to the men. You could hear a pin drop when he was speaking with them. And there were other moments. I recommend viewing this program and ask that prayers be offered for the success of the Holy Spirit. Prayers for all to be open to hearing and seeing this life-the Benedictine life. YEA GOD!
You can hear Gregorian chants here.
Meet the Monks.
Meet the Men.
Monastery Info.
They (TLC & the Monastery) continue to evangelize- Resource Info here.
Physicians For Life exists to draw attention to abortion, human embryonic and non-embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, out-of-wedlock sexual activity, and euthanasia by presenting the medical realities of these. strongly encourages sexual abstinence outside marriage in order to curb and eliminate the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases/infections, reduce the high rates of teen pregnancies, and prepare our youth to develop strong and healthy life-long relationships in the parameters of marriage. The overriding goal of every physician should be to Do No Harm , to help every person live the longest and healthiest life possible.
More On Life & Death-Who Decides Resuscitation?
The debate over who makes the decision raises fundamental challenges to medical integrity as well as patients’ rights and can rub feelings raw for all concerned. Hospitals around the country and some state legislatures have wrestled with how to balance these competing values, reaching different conclusions.
Make sure you get your "Will to Live" information here. Find your state to download doc.
Christian Care Ministry
This is the “medical bill sharing ministry” known as Christian Care Ministry, based in Melbourne, Fla., the largest of a handful of similar ministries around the country.
Every month, in roughly 19,000 households across the country, ministry members — who must be observant Christians with recommendations from their pastors — write a check to Christian Care Ministry. The amount depends on their family’s size and how much of their medical bills they are willing to pay out of their own pocket.
And each month, the ministry writes checks to health care providers — totaling more than $240 million since it was founded — to cover the medical bills submitted by its members. Roughly $57 million moved through the ministry in its latest fiscal year.
Healthcare Costs and Prices
The websites are listed through the article, tho the links/URL's are not embedded so you will have to highlight, copy and paste into your browser/address.When it came to the cost of a routine doctor's office visit, respondents guessed an average of $95, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for employee benefits provider Great-West Healthcare.
The actual average cost for a doctor's visit? It was $200. For emergency room visits, respondents estimated $680. The cost was actually lower - $400.
According to the survey, more than half of those who responded did not know the cost of treatment until it was received (68 percent), and 11 percent revealed that they never found out the cost.
Life & Death-Organ Donation
The United Network for Organ Sharing has even failed to act when patients were dying at abnormal rates, and often has kept its findings secret when it does investigate problems, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Are these patients on the waiting list to receive an organ or prepped for donation?