Saturday, December 09, 2006

"Festival Eucharist" of Christ the King at Dominican Basilica of S. Sabina

A "veil tip" to "the new liturgical movement" for more info on the scandalous event that took place a few weeks ago in Rome with the Archbishop of Canterbury at the papal high altar of the Dominican Basilica of S. Sabina. Remember?

Well, the Archbishop is interviewed this week by "The Tablet"- in a piece titled-"Ambivalent archbishop" . I am sorry to say that it reveals more information then I wanted to know!
The purpose of visiting Rome was threefold: to develop personal contacts, particularly with Pope Benedict; to build relationships with individual Vatican curial departments; and to establish progress on ecumenical dialogue. But Cardinal Kasper and Pope Benedict were frank in their admission of difficulties, speaking of serious obstacles to ecumenical progress thrown up by liberal attitudes to homosexuality and to women's ordination. However the Pope also confirmed the friendship between the two Churches and that the work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) would resume.
Those involved on both sides of the discourse have spoken of the personal chemistry between Pope Benedict and Dr Williams. While the past 40 years have been marked by several meetings between Popes and Primates of the Anglican Communion, this was the first time that each office holder was also a notable theologian. To what extent was this an encounter as much between theologians as between two leaders of two Churches?

"Almost without preliminaries we got down to talking about the lecture I had given on St Benedict [delivered at Sant'Anselmo on 21 November; an edited version appeared in The Tablet on 25 November] and the concept of obedience - about the difficulty of that in the modern world - and the conversation unfolded from there. There was a strong sense of the two of us being able to talk about what enthuses us theologically," recalls Dr Williams.

The conversation, he says, went on to the subject of the sacramental heart of the Church. The Eucharist, of course, remains a sticking point for Roman Catholic-Anglican relations, and that was apparent during the visit to Rome, with no combined Eucharist service. Yet the Catholic Church made another gesture of fellowship and recognition of its special relationship with the Anglican Communion, following the gifts of the papal ring by Paul VI and the pectoral cross by John Paul II. This time it was the suggestion by the Secretariat of State that Dr Williams celebrate the Eucharist at the papal altar of the Dominican church of Santa Sabina.

So let's summarize here: They both met and were happy to talk to each other because they found a commonality between them--both were theologians. There's nothing wrong in this fact. Then Catherine Pepinster, author of this piece leaves out key information about the rest of their conversations for whatever reason. But interjects the main reason for our differences between one another-Roman Catholic-Anglican-the Eucharist. And states the obvious-there wasn't a real "gesture" made in celebrating the Eucharist-The Mass-"together". Well, again they ARE NOT in union with the Roman Catholic Church! Then she further mentions that there were other "gestures" made in history. A papal ring by Paul VI? Why would this be given? Then it worsens-How can the use of a papal altar in a Roman Catholic Church be considered another "gesture"? And to make matters worse it's use was suggested by the Secretariat of State? Cardinal Bertone? What is going on? This is becoming more scandalous as the information begins to present itself. Again, why and how would this be allowed to take place in a Roman Catholic Church under the Roman Curia?! They were present at this event--On the Feast of Christ the King! Before I digress and lose my Advent peace...there's more...


"I understand what my Roman Catholic friends are saying. The theology makes sense, although it is not a theology I sign up to. But it is very painful.

"For me the heart of the Eucharist is that we are drawn into the eternal prayer of Christ and that's what unifies us: that we are standing where Christ stands and praying what Christ prays. It's not only the prayers but also the shape of the action that tells you that." What the two Churches do share at the moment is common prayers - the same vernacular English of the Gloria, for instance, so that those attending one another's Eucharist can at least pray together. That will change, of course, should the new translation of the Mass into English, as seems very likely, comes to be used. Dr Williams is too diplomatic to comment on any internal divisions of the Roman Catholic Church caused by its liturgical texts, but it is apparent that he finds some of the intricate squabbling over literal translation a rather curious and not entirely appealing characteristic of the Catholic Church - "one of those Counter-Reformation things", as he puts it.

"I do find the ideas of translation puzzling, and what communicates itself as a level of anxiety about getting the words right. It isn't characteristic of the early or medieval Church: there's not a fear of getting it right nor even is there is a sense of one model against which everything else has to be tested."


The key point that did emerge from the talks was not so much the issues that have caused so many of the rows in Anglicanism - the role of gay people in the Church or the role of women - but that the Catholic Church is concerned about the way Anglicans make decisions and about Anglican standards of theology. Making appointments to the office of bishop is not just a question of justice but is about a sign of the koinonia or communio at the heart of the Church.

But, as far as ecumenical dialogue is concerned, the difficulty for Anglicans on women's ordination, says Dr Williams, is not entirely of their own making. There is a growing feeling among them, as the Church of England considers women bishops, that the Catholic Church has moved the goalposts, even though, logically, the appointment of women bishops would follow on from Synod's decision in favour of women priests 14 years ago.

Another "veil tip" to Rocco Palmo -Whispers in the Loggia for this piece of info:"Notably, word is that the Dominican mother-church was not always the envisioned venue: the service's initially proposed site was said to be the Patriarchal Basilica of St Paul's Outside the Walls."

I feel better?

Thursday, December 07, 2006

CTA - Excommunication In Nebraska - DONE!

CTA Catholics in and of the Diocese of Lincoln who attain or retain membership in: Planned Parenthood, Society of Saint Pius X (Lefebvre Group), Hemlock Society, Call to Action, Call to Action Nebraska, Saint Michael the Archangel Chapel, Freemasons, Job's Daughters, DeMolay, Eastern Star, Rainbow Girls (never heard of this group-scary!), and Catholics for a Free Choice-
***The excommunication order applies only within the Lincoln, Nebraska diocese.
But, it certainly does give all a sense of relief that actions are being taken to curb and eliminate the scandal and confusion that these groups cause and continue to cause to faithful Catholics in the U.S.
From Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops-in a letter to Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska and a Press Release from the Bishop:

You can explain to Mr. McShane that the Holy See considers that Your Excellency's ruling in the case of "Call to action Nebraska" was properly taken within your competence as Pastor of that diocese. The judgement of the Holy See is that the activities of "Call to Action" in the course of these years are in contrast with the Catholic Faith due to views and positions held which are unacceptable from a doctrinal and disciplinary standpoint. Thus to be a member of this Association or to support it, is irreconcilable with a coherent living of the Catholic Faith."

Background information about situation--from "CTA" here. With a list from canon lawyer here.
The March 22 decree of Lincoln, Nebraska Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz threatening
excommunication of CTA members has caused a bonanza of national publicity, new members and increased donations for CTA. It has also strengthened the fledgling
CTA Nebraska, which drew 75 people to its first meeting Feb. 3, and 200 at its second event Apr. 27.

The saga began when Bruskewitz reacted to the establishment of CTA Nebraska
by proclaiming that anyone among the 85,000 Catholics in his diocese who belongs to CTA or CTA Nebraska after May 15 faces automatic excommunication. He also banned membership in ten other organizations, including Planned Parenthood, Catholics for a Free Choice, and Masonic groups, but CTA was clearly his reason for acting now.

Updated (March 2005) info from CTA Nebraska here.
Another item here.

(National level) CTA: 25 years of Spirituality and Justice

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Don't forget the Hour of Grace:

With Prayers and Penance. Pray the 51st Psalm with outstretched arms three
times. During the Hour of Grace, many spiritual graces will be granted. The most
hard-hearted sinners will be touched by the grace of God.The Blessed Virgin promised that whatever a person asked Her for during this Hour of Grace (even in
impossible cases) would be granted to them, if it was in accordance with the
Will of the Eternal Father.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Privacy Issues Continue

Heathrow testing biometric security checks

Speaking at the Heathrow launch Wednesday, immigration minister Liam Byrne said biometric screening will make it "much harder for people to get into the country illegally." He dismissed civil liberties concerns about the increasing collection and use of biometric data.

He said: "If you have got nothing to hide, what are you worried about? You are not only securing borders, but helping people save time when they are traveling. This kind of technology will be popular."

Now what's going on?

I guess the world really has turned upside down now-Conservative Scholars Ease Gay Rabbi Ban

Conservative Jewish scholars eased their ban Wednesday on ordaining gays, upending thousands of years of precedent while stopping short of fully accepting gay clergy.

The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, which interprets religious law for the movement, adopted three starkly conflicting policies that nonetheless gave gays the chance to serve as clergy.

Huh? What is happening here?

Disgusting- Planned Parenthood FREE "Giveaway"

Plan B Pill Now Readily Available

Planned Parenthood celebrated Wednesday with a free giveaway of the emergency contraceptive, while critics insisted that Plan B's accessibility will soon be a cause for regret.


On Wednesday, in celebration of Plan B's expanded availability, the pills were being given away free at more than 350 Planned Parenthood centers in 30 states. Planned Parenthood's vice president for medical affairs, Dr. Vanessa Cullins, urged women to back up their regular birth control by keeping emergency contraception in their medicine cabinet "in case the condom breaks, you miss two or more birth control pills or have unprotected sex."

Planned Parenthood centers also sell the pill; as a clinic operator, the organization gets a discount from Barr that helps it undercut pharmacy prices.

The pill giveaway was denounced by some Planned Parenthood critics.

"They're using this to drive customers to their clinics and drive up their profits," said Jim Sedlak, vice president of the American Life League.

Dr. Joe DeCook of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists said he worries that sexually active women using Plan B will feel less need to see a physician, reducing the odds of early detection of sexually transmitted diseases.

Silly String - "Life Saving Use"

Whoa, I love this teen loves it too. One Christmas, I put it in my children's stockings. They had a good time spraying each other around the Christmas tree, although I do recall that it became quite a messy morning-wrapping paper, toys, candy, dog, tree needles, and silly string. Not good. I better scratch it off their lists this year but instead buy an extra few cans and send them to the troops-Serious Use for Silly String. This would be a great "life saving gift" to send to the troops for Christmas! Pass the word. Contact info: St. Luke Church

American troops use the stuff to detect trip wires around bombs, as Marcelle Shriver learned from her son, a soldier in Iraq.

Before entering a building, troops squirt the plastic goo, which can shoot strands about 10 to 12 feet, across the room. If it falls to the ground, no trip wires. If it hangs in the air, they know they have a problem. The wires are otherwise nearly invisible.
After sending some cans to her 28-year-old son, Shriver enlisted the help of two priests and posted notices in her church and its newsletter. From there, the effort took off, with money and Silly String flowing in. Parishioners have been dropping cans into donation baskets.

"There's so much that they can't do, and they're frustrated, but this is something they can do," said the Rev. Joseph Capella of St. Luke's Church in Stratford.

Another Cloning Country...Australia

Australia Lifts Therapeutic Cloning Ban

Our Lady of Guadalupe pray for us!

Benedict XVI Explains Prayer in Blue Mosque

From Sandro Magister: After the Visit to Turkey, the Travel Diary of His Holiness

Further on Benedict XVI explains the meaning of his prayer at the Blue Mosque in this way: “Pausing for a few moments of recollection in that place of prayer, I turned to the one Lord of heaven and earth, the merciful Father of all humanity. May all believers recognize his creatures and bear witness to true brotherhood!” Here the pope takes up the formula that Vatican Council II used in regard to the “Muslims who worship the one God.” But he calls God “Father,” a name that is not used for the God of Islam. In the Regensburg lecture, Joseph Ratzinger dedicated an important passage to the different concepts of God in Islam and in Christianity.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Iran Blocks YouTube

Can you imagine being blocked? Most especially from these?

A Eucharistic Miracle!

See and listen to this one...beautiful!

Fr. Stan Fortuna and Tony Melendez

And this one...YEA GOD!!!!!

Documentary of Fr. Boniface

Keep all your sons-your priests under your mantle of protection Most loving Blessed Mother!

URGENT PRAYER NEED! Another Priest Abducted

Another Chaldean priest abducted in Baghdad

The Chaldean Patriarchate of Baghdad, which reported the abduction, launched an appeal on its website. Addressing the abductors, it asked: “We beg you not to harm him but to treat him well. We trust Father Samy in the hands of the Lord and of Providence, asking Him to help save Iraq from these kidnapping which terrorise everyone, adults and children alike”. The appeal ended by calling upon “Our Lady that She may save him and return him soon to his church and to the service of his faithful”.

Spread the word!

Our Lady of Fatima please protect your son from all physical and spiritual harm. Please direct these men to send Fr. Al Raiys safely and unharmed back to his home and parish.

Monday, December 04, 2006

California Prop. 71 - California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act

Reality check for stem cell optimism-The research, stalled by legal challenges, offers no guarantees of cures, California institute scientists say as they outline more modest goals.

Even with the $150-million state loan approved recently to kick-start work stalled by legal challenges, there are no breakthroughs in sight. Gone are the allusions to healing such afflictions as spinal cord injuries and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases that dominated the 2004 campaign for Proposition 71. In fact, scientists say, there is no guarantee of cures ­certainly not any time soon ­ from the measure that was optimistically titled the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act.

Instead, the top goal is to establish, in principle, that a therapy developed from human embryonic stem cells can "restore function
for at least one disease."

That would be only the first step toward persuading pharmaceutical or biotech companies to fund expanded clinical trials, a process that takes years and millions of dollars. Fewer than 20% of potential therapies that enter trials make it to market."

The real goal is the $. And killing embryos- killing babies for the benefit of someone else.

Lord have mercy!
Our Lady of Guadalupe please intercede for us!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Clarifying Benedict's 'flip-flop' on Turkey and the EU

I wondered when someone would present clarification on BXVI's support of Turkey joining the EU. John Allen (National Catholic Reporter) shares his views:

What’s the deal?

First of all, one has to distinguish between the corporate position of the Holy See and the personal position of Joseph Ratzinger. In fact, there has been no real change at all in the former. Vatican diplomats have always said that they are officially neutral on the question of Turkey’s admission, but that if Turkey is to join the EU, it should be required to meet European standards of human rights, the so-called “Copenhagen criteria,” especially with regard to religious freedom.

As far as Ratzinger personally is concerned, Donohue has a point that he has not flip-flopped,” because that would suggest a 180-degree reversal from firm opposition to clear support. That’s not the situation. Instead, he’s moved from opposition to something like a “yellow light,” meaning that he’s open to Turkey’s candidacy in principle, but with conditions, especially what the Vatican calls "reciprocity,” meaning guarantees of religious liberty.

His earlier opposition is not in doubt.

Background info- from Sandro Magister: (10-15-2004) Europe Is Christian, but Turkey's Crescent Moon Shines in its Skies.

More on Healing by Faith

Russian Orthodox Church Reports at Least 3 Cases of AIDS Healing by Faith
‘I myself know of at least three cases in which a person who had this diagnosis suddenly turned out healthy’, the priest said at a press conference at the Interfax central office in Moscow. He explained that such healing might happen through the prayers of the diseased or his or her relatives as well as through touching a shrine or the cross.

Doctors aren't chaplains

Op-ed piece from Richard P. Sloan director of the behavioral medical program at Columbia University Medical Center and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, is the author of "Blind Faith: The Unholy Alliance of Religion and Medicine"

Some prominent physicians are calling for the wall of separation between religion and medicine to be torn down. They declare that the future of medicine is prayer and Prozac, and they recommend that doctors take a "spiritual history" during a patient's initial visit and annually thereafter. Walter Larimore, an award-winning physician, for instance, has declared that excluding God from a consultation should be grounds for malpractice.

Of course, religion is not utterly irrelevant to patients. If it were, hospitals would not have chaplains and chapels. But before organized medicine decides that religion has any value in physical healing, several things ought to be considered. First, the scientific evidence supposedly linking religious practices with better health is shockingly weak — so bad, in fact, that if we were discussing drugs, the Food and Drug Administration would have to find them unsafe and ineffective. Most research studies that claim to show how religious involvement is associated with better health fail to rule out other factors that might account for the relationship.

Good thing this is just an op-ed piece. I don't think he really understands faith and those that practice their faith-most especially through prayer.

I believe this family would beg to differ. "Her parents say that Nikki – who they describe as “funny, witty, and vibrant” – is a testament to modern medicine and the power of prayer."

Doctors at Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong ran tests that showed Nikki was much sicker than she appeared. She was diagnosed with invasive strep, which led to a rare, life-threatening blood disorder called hemolytic uremic syndrome.

“She was in the PICU for three months, and she was on the brink of death almost every day,” Linda Snacki says. “They put her in an induced coma for several months to help her breathe, and I promised her before she fell asleep that I wouldn’t leave her side. For three months, I never went outside to take a breath of air. We just prayed. We never gave up hope.”

"Veil Tip" to "disinterested party".