+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Saturday, July 05, 2008
McCain - Pro-Life News
Coalition of Pro-Life Advocates, Pastors Unite to Support John McCain for President
Friday, July 04, 2008
Independence Day - July 4th in the Year of Our Lord 2008

Thursday, July 03, 2008
NCReporter's John Allen - On Burke Move
Since news of St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke’s appointment as prefect of the Apostolic Signatura was announced June 27, I’ve received numerous telephone calls and e-mails, from both sides of the Atlantic, posing some version of the following question: Was this a case of what the Italians call promuovere per rimuovere … promoting someone in order to get rid of him?
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Obama Supporters?
This is Obama's website....
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
EU - News
Czech Backs Poland EU Treaty Stance
The prayers of Gerry (90) & Maire (96) O'Mahony are being answered!
Feast Day & Month of the Most Precious Blood of JESUS
"Precious Blood, Ocean of Divine Mercy, flow upon us!
Precious Blood, Most Pure offering, procure us every grace!
Precious Blood, Hope and refuge of sinners, atone for us!
Precious Blood, Delight of the Holy Souls, draw us! Amen.”
The Litany of the Most Precious Blood
3 Acts of Consecration to the Precious Blood
Fr. Mark -St. Catherine - And Tasting of His Roseate Blood,
The Inner Sanctuary Beyond the Veil, & The Most Precious Blood.
Fr. John Hardon - The Precious Blood of Christ
Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, C.PP.S. - Month of the Precious Blood, Madonna of the Precious Blood - download - Precious Blood pdf.
O, loving, Most Precious Blood that coursed through the veins of Our Dear Blessed Mother.
Her blood united with HIS Most Precious Blood by the power of the Holy Spirit for all mankind.
O, loving, Most Precious Blood shed for all mankind.
O, loving, Most Precious Blood how grateful we are for this powerful love.
HIS Most Precious Blood pour on us and on the whole world!
GOD'S Speed - Archbishop Burke
Arrivederci, Archbishop Burke
· Publicly defending the Holy Eucharist: In 2004 Archbishop Burke said he would deny Holy Communion to Senator John Kerry and other Catholic politicians who support abortion. He also admonished pro-abortion Catholics in the pew to refrain from receiving Communion.
· Resigning as Chairman of the board of Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Foundation when they refused to disinvite radical pro-abortion singer Sheryl Crow to head up a benefit concert.
· Confronting the scandal of Coach Rick Majerus publicly supporting abortion and embryonic stem cell research.
· For excommunicating Rose Hudson, Elsie McGrath, and fake bishop Patricia Fresen for an act of schism in attempting the ordination of the two women.
· Advancing the Institute of Christ the King to restore the Traditional Latin Mass and promoting solid vocations to the priesthood.
· Fostering the Marian Catechist Movement founded by Fr. John Hardon to teach the authentic Catholic faith based on fidelity to the pope and the doctrine of the Church.
“We are grateful, “ Kreitzer said, “for having such a faithful apostle in the United States. Not only has Archbishop Burke given us hope, he has given us an example of how to speak the truth in love. We are confident that in his new role we will see greater justice especially to priests punished and silenced for their orthodoxy. Arrivederci, Archbishop Burke, we love you.”
CMC is an organization of Catholic writers, webmasters, editors, and others engaged in producing media for and about the Catholic Church. Its members live and work throughout the United States, and represent different approved Catholic Rites. They invite all practicing Catholic members of the media who are loyal to the Magisterium and to Church teaching to join CMC, whose mission is to "report truthfully about the Catholic Church and to defend, foster, and spread authentic Catholic faith and culture."
CMC's letter to Archbishop Raymond Burke is as follows:
July 1, 2008
Archbishop Raymond Burke, Archbishop of St. Louis
Your Excellency:
The members of the Catholic Media Coalition wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for your faithful service to the Church in the United States. There are many troubling situations that have injured the faith and trust of Catholics in this country. We particularly regret the failure of so many bishops to vigorously defend the teachings of the Church which contributed to the sex abuse scandals and to other major and ongoing problems.
We wish to especially acknowledge your courage in publicly defending the Holy Eucharist from sacrilege, for resigning as Chairman of the Board of the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital Foundation, for excommunicating the women who invalidly attempted female ordination, and for confronting the public scandal of Coach Rick Majerus’ outrageous statements. But even more than these, we thank you for advancing the Institute of Christ the King, developing vocations, and fostering the authentic Catholic faith through the Marian Catechist Movement.
Be assured of our continued prayers as you begin your new work as Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. Arrivederci, Archbishop Burke.
Sincerely in Christ,
Mary Ann Kreitzer
President, Catholic Media Coalition
Catholic Media Coalition members endorsing the letter as co-signers are:
Jack Ames, Defend Life, Baltimore, MD
Stephanie Block, Catholic Author, Albuquerque, NM, Athanasius@aol.com
Jean Charles, Defender of the Magisterium Vermont
James Fritz, Defenders of the Faith, Inc., Berkeley Springs, WV
Camille Giglio, California Right to Life Advocates,CA
Nancy Kokstis SFO, the Shepherds Warrior, Prentice, WI, kokstis @pctcnet.net
Donna Marek, Catholic activist, Ogdensburg, NY
Karl Maurer, Director, Catholic Citizens of Illinois, La Grange, IL
Patricia McKeever, Catholic Truth Scotland, Scotland
Kathy Parker, Brothers and Sisters at the Cross, Birmingham, Alabama
Sheila Parkhill, The Holy Family Society of Tucson, Tucson, AZ
The Orlando Truth, orlandotruth@rome.com
Vivian Ripton, Call to Holiness, St. Michael the Archangel Chapel
Allyson Smith, Catholic Author, San Diego, CA, allysons@cox.net
Georgene M. Sorenson, Romans in the Desert, snownomore@cox.net
Donna Steichen, Catholic Author, Ojai, CA dmsteichen@aol.com
Carolyn Wendell, VOCAL (Voices of Catholics Advocating Life), Sublimity, Oregon
Prayer Need: Priest Assassinated
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Prayer Alert: Archbishop Nienstedt's home ROBBED!
Audacious theft at archbishop's home nets Catholic treasures
We pray for the thieves and the safe return of all stolen irreplaceable items.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Vultus Christi - Fr. Mark
Will you help?
Please send your contributions toward building the Eucharistic Cenacle to:
His Excellency, The Most Reverend Edward J. Slattery Bishop of Tulsa
P. O. Box 690240, Tulsa, OK 74169-0240
Kindly indicate that your contribution is for the Cenacle of Eucharistic Adoration. Thank you for your generosity. May Our Lord Jesus Christ make the light of His Eucharistic Face shine upon you. (Fr. Mark)
Bai Macfarlane - Update
'V/T' to Mark Shea...Earlier this year, marriage advocate, Bai Macfarlane, publicly asked the Arlington Diocese to apply canon law to protect a wife and children in a scandalous divorce situation. Macfarlane sent her plea to Rev. Robert Rippy, the Arlington Diocese Defender of Justice. Fr. Rippy was provided public records showing a professed-Catholic husband impregnated an adulterous partner and was living with her and their baby. The children of his marriage (who are financially devastated with their mother) are forced to spend overnight visits with their father and his adulterous partner.
Macfarlane is the director of Mary's Advocates, upholding marriage in light of no-fault divorce. She says, "When the church in the U.S. remains silent as professed Catholics abandon their families using the civil divorce routine to pursue their individualist goals, the public is taught that the Catholic Church condones the practices of routine civil divorce."
Poor Bai, yet she's helping others while dealing with her own situation!
Her history.
God help her!