Thursday, November 16, 2006

"Dr. Death" & his "Plastinarium"-Disgusting!

"Beauty salon for the dead" opens in Germany
"I am a dresser of corpses who takes corpses and turns them into useful objects. This is an extension beyond death of the trend for beauty treatments," he said.

The eccentric man, invariably seen sporting a wide-brimmed hat, told reporters at the opening of his new center that the slices of bodies which he sells to schools and universities were no different than a slice of meat sold on a slab.

This is so very disgusting!

Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. comments in his article:
Bodies in plastic, morally problematic?
The exhibit is billed as an educational exhibit, teaching people about the internal structure and organization of their own bodies. As the director of the exhibit phrased it, “My aim is to illuminate and educate through the beautiful arrangement” of bodies. Yet some people find the exhibit “edgy,” causing more than a tinge of discomfort, and they wonder whether there aren’t ethical concerns associated with putting the human body on display in this way.

[ Editor’s note: The Body Worlds exhibit is on display at Boston’s Museum of Science now through Jan. 7, 2007]

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