Thursday, September 25, 2008

'Faith Tour' - Obama

Religion today

On Tuesday night on the University of Colorado's campus in Colorado Springs, the Obama campaign kicked off its latest "faith tour," talks meant to convey that Obama shares the values of believers the campaign hopes can be persuaded: moderate mainline Protestants, centrist Catholics and younger evangelicals.

Barack Obama Camp Starts "Faith Tour" to Mislead Pro-Life Voters on Abortion

My Advice for Obama’s ‘Faith Tour’

Obama Faith Tour Draws...15

Obama's Faith, Family and Variable Values Tour

Obama campaign pitches faith tour to journalists

1 comment:

  1. For an insight into Obama and the "rights" he approves of that are exhibited on public streets in front of children, Google "Obama Supports Public Depravity" and "Up Your Alley Fair." It will turn you inside out! David
