Pro-Life Opposition Grows to Notre Dame Honoring Pro-Abortion Barack Obama
The Destruction of Notre Dame
Notre Dame's President John Jenkins at Crossroads Over Obama Award
Notre Dame students (heart) Obama
ALL Condems Obama Appearance At Notre Dame University
America The National Catholic Weekly - Three Cheers for Notre Dame
(Threshing grain.....)
What is it about President Obama that makes the right wing so crazy, so uncharitable, so frothing-at-the-mouth unreasonable? I asked another priest who ventured racism was part of the answer. I am not so sure.
This crowd of conservatives does not own the Catholic Church. They certainly do not own Notre Dame University. They are about to find out that they do not own Dr. Glendon either. The rest of us Catholics, however, must not let the public square think that they do. Our voices must be raised to say that we are thrilled such a distinguished Catholic university is considered such a part of the life of the nation that our President will be coming to address its graduates. We are thrilled that he will be sharing the stage with one of our Church’s and nation’s finest scholars and diplomats. And, we should be thrilled that the right wing commentariat has again adopted its smug "I thank Thee, Lord, that I am not like other men" stance. The Master condemned many things when he trod the earth, but none more than the smug judgmentalism of the Pharisees. Alas, like the poor, the Pharisees will be with us always. You will be able to find them on Graduation Day protesting outside the gates at Notre Dame.
Outrage Over Obama's Appearance at Notre Dame: Who Are the Political Victims? (The USCCB can either lead or GET OUTTA THE WAY! The laity has been carrying this issue for many years and they have had enough! Again--Lead or get outta the way!)
Notre Dame's Honoring Pro-Abortion Barack Obama Makes College Less SpecialIt's striking that the protest is spearheaded by grass-roots Catholics, as opposed to the Roman Catholic hierarchy. It's in-the-pews conservatives who are pressuring U.S. bishops to speak out against an alleged injustice; typically, it's the other way around, with bishops imploring their flock to action.
re: Notre Dame -George Weigel writes - NRO-Kathryn Jean Lopez -
Petition Launched to Stop Obama From Speaking at Notre Dame
REMINDER: Obama beat Sen. John McCain in St. Joseph County, Ind. home of Notre Dame, by 17 points, aided by support from the school’s students.
From ND - Online Newspaper - The Observer Online (While I was checking around their site I found this info:See: Terms of Use and Service - "an Internet website offered in cooperation with the mtvU Television channel ("MTVU Channel"- WARNING SCANDAL-GRAPHIC).
Some applaud, others condemn Obama announcement
Obama selection a betrayal of Notre Dame's mission
How about Cardinal Francis George, President of the USCCB? He thinks the invitation is scandalous as well. Where do you stand on abortion? Do you agree with President Obama's positions on abortion? How important is your Catholic faith, or do you simply role over and flow with the secular times? Why don't you work at a secular institution instead of Our Lady's Catholic university? Or maybe you do work at a secular institution after all. Very unfortunate.