Sunday, November 07, 2010

More Climate Control News

Is Green Socialism EPA's Real Goal?

Global Warming and the UN

Ways to raise $100 Bil.-  READ the ways! -note the "Financial Transaction Tax" (on pg 2)

Hans Labohm: Climate Change No Longer Scares Europe

A Global Tax Hike & "Tap the Private Sector"
"The Most Vulnerable": Kiribati and the Micronesian Islands
Global warming dogma the “new communism”, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus

President Vaclav Klaus - Climate change & freedom -

Scalise: 'We're Setting Up A Global Warming Gestapo!' (Full)

Sen. Jame Inhofe's articles at Human Events:
Holbrooke’s Amazing Global Warming Claim

Obama's EPA a Growing Menace to Economy


  1. We've all read about Obama's junket to India. Who has heard any enviro-whacko screeching about all THAT carbon footprint? Where are the calls for them having a "carbon fast"?

  2. Good question Restore-DC-Catholicism!!!!

  3. LISTEN CLOSELY to Czech Pres. Vaclav Klaus' speech...President Václav Klaus: Inaugural Annual GWPF Lecture - October 19, 2010. and read the transcript in other post!

    "It is not a new doctrine.[16] It has existed under various headings and in various forms and manifestations for centuries, always based on the idea that the starting point of our thinking should be the Earth, the Planet, or Nature, not Man or Mankind.[17] It has always been accompanied by the plan that we have to come back to the original state of the Earth, unspoiled by us, humans.[18] The adherents of this doctrine have always considered us, the people, a foreign element.[19] They forget that it doesn’t make sense to speak about the world without people because there would be no one to speak. In my book, I noted that “if we take the reasoning of the environmentalists seriously, we find that theirs is an anti-human ideology” (p. 4)."
