Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"We had Abortions" Campaign

Response to- "We had Abortions" Campaign- Another petition campaign as "17 states now have trigger laws or pre-Roe bans that will ban abortion if the Supreme Court were to reverse Roe v. Wade." They are working overtime to make sure Roe v. Wade will not be overturned!


In its 1972 debut issue,Ms. magazine ran a bold petition in which 53 well-known U.S. women declared that they had undergone abortions—despite state laws rendering the procedure illegal. These women were following the example of a 1971 manifesto signed by343 prominent French women, who also declared they had abortions.

And....-33 years after Roe—even though abortion is a very common, necessary and important procedure for millions of women in the U.S.

Why not make the killing of an innocent child sound like a routine procedure---i.e. teeth cleaning. That way its much easier to justify your actions-MURDER!

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