Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Tide is Turning...

Abortion records reveal cases of suspected child rape, incest

Attorney General Phil Kline had waged a months-long courtroom battle against the abortion industry, which sought to keep the 90 case records concealed. But the records now are being reviewed by investigators after being forwarded to Kline from a district court judge who edited them to hide the identities of the women involved.

But he noted that state records confirm in 2003 alone, 78 girls under the age of 15 had abortions in Kansas. By law, that amounts to 78 cases of sexual assault on a child, or worse.

Kline's pursuit of the records began shortly after he was elected in 2002, and he noticed a peculiarity of laws in most states and jurisdictions.

"Nobody has been willing to enforce the abortion laws against Planned Parenthood," he told WND during a recent interview. And some of the situations just screamed for attention.

For example, when there are abortions performed on children as young as 10, by law and by definition there has been a sexual assault on a child. In Kansas a person under 16 legally cannot consent to sex, and abortions cannot be performed past 22 weeks. However, those cases simply weren't being reported, he said, even though state law requires officials who are in a position to know the circumstances to report such crimes.

1 comment:

  1. I've long known about the link between aborted babies and many of the vaccines we routinely give our children and elderly (flu shot).
    That is why I am a conscientious objector from chilhood vaccines, as a Catholic. I get my information from children of God for life online.
