+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Monday, December 31, 2007
UK- Calendar aims to recruit priests
It's a UK day...today....
More in the UK..here we go...
"Catholic church under fire for promoting a hard line on 'immoral' teaching in schools"
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Constance Cumbey's site - Whoa!
I also would like to add to this...there's a 'strand' to this web that includes hospitals & nuns-that provide medical care - no one has been left out...every institution has been touched in some way.
Here are some other groups:
- The Natural Step (TNS) (founder of TNS-Karl-Henrik Robert) "framework for sustainability"(btw...they're 'moving up' in the world. When I last visited this site it wasn't so 'international'...hmmm?!) The Sisters of Mercy use TNS ( though they 'don't endorse') (see background article ***listed below) and mind you - what do the Sisters of Mercy (RSM) do? Answer: Why they're involved in our schools and hospitals....Mercy Sponsored Hospitals (pretty long list huh?). The Natural Step U.S. - ***their background -article- *make sure you see the section:The Dream. More interesting background-another article, The Oregon Natural Step Network - Oregon list of members.
- Peace X Peace - About, Blog, Read the transcript/their "original dialog" here.
- OneWorld.net -About "Centers" - US Board of Directors, OneWorldTV, Blog, 'their structure'-world diagram & notice the 'flashing' block in the left column- 'supported by': The Ford Foundation, Sun-Microsystems, Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Benton Foundation. Their Trustees, Memorandum & Articles of Association, Existing Centers
I just "Googled" -"Karl-Henrik Robèrt" "earth" "spirit", founder of The Natural Step and professor at Blekinge Institute of Technology and found these items listed below and this article -see TNS founder Karl-Henrik Robert
- Moscow Servers of Goodwill from this page to this->"New" Group of World Servers (on left below column - this is Lucis Trust/UN connections)
- Newsletters
- Groups- Religious
Friday, December 28, 2007
THREAT LEVEL's Year in Review -- 2007
In the UK: Young girls & HPV drug
Now girls aged NINE are offered cervical cancer jab
Can anyone tell me why young girls are targeted? And why not young boys? This is totally wrong!
Green Bay: Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops
I wonder if the rowdy fans that cause a problem in the football games will get fingerprinted right there in the stands, in the snow? Hmmmm?! Interesting thought - what happens to ink when it's below freezing?
Pope Benedict XVI on Benazir Bhutto's death
Pope condemns Bhutto killing
Bhutto assassination 'terrible and tragic': Vatican
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Why we need exorcists!
And more to the point - why we need to hear from the pulpit that HELL EXISTS!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Under: Did you know?
Reminder:First North American Union Drivers Licenses Issued In U.S.
“It’s a security element that eventually will be on the back of every driver’s license in North America,” Howell said.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Christ came to cure our wounds; but since all do not search for the remedy, therefore, He cures those who are willing; He does not force the unwilling. God, for His part, really wills us to be save; otherwise, it would be impossible for us to obtain health and eternal life.
-- St. Alphonsus Liguori
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A couple of items from Bro. Andre Marie
Christmas, Anti-Christ and Catholic triumphalism
But even in the midst of such a crisis, we find consolation: “Behold, I make all things new!” (Apoc. 21:5). All the historical triumphs against error won by the martyrs and confessors will be renewed in grand style. The victories of the devil and his antichrists continue to mount, but the Triumph of the divine Babe will be all the sweeter because of it. It will mark the victory of our Lord, His Church, and His Vicar. What’s more, to the eternal confusion of Antichrist and Satan, Christ’s Triumph will be the Triumph of His Mother, the Woman who will crush the head of the ancient serpent!
And that should give us all a Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
ABC’s Walters Disses White House Christmas Card
I'm so glad someone else picked up on this. I happened across this part (while picking up my house-I don't watch it) and I was fussing at Barbara...(at the tv)..."So what's your problem Barbara...it's Christmas; you're acknowledging it by your topic of conversation. Come on Barbara....please." And thanks to this reporter for the address, Ms. Walters -you're going to get a Christmas card...from "moi".
I took great offense to her comments:
“First of all, let me show you the cover of the White House, which is nice and bland…So that’s pleasant enough. This is what interested me, that it is a religious Christmas card. Usually in the past when I have received a Christmas card, it’s been ‘happy holiday’s’ and so on- And this says:
“‘You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You gave life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.’
“That’s from Nehemiah in the Old Testament. I don’t remember— and I’m sure people will remind me—getting a religious card. Now does this also go to agnostics and atheists and Muslims and –”
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A Prayer and a Plea Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, intercede for the Church, protect the holy Father, help all who invoke thee in their necessities. Since thou art the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the true God, obtain for us from thy most holy Son the grace of a firm faith and a sure hope amid the bitterness of life,as well as an ardent love and the precious gift of final perseverance.
'V/T' and prayers of thanks to/for Fr. Mark: Mary Rose Up in Haste in Those Days
The Battleground of the Heart
Do not let the grace of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe pass without changing you. Even the loftiest mystical graces are useless if they leave us unrepentant and unchanged. Pray the humble prayer of the Rosary, not sparingly, but continuously, at every free moment. It decapitates pride. It extinguishes lust, envy, covetousness, possessiveness, and greed. It pulls up the seven capital sins by their roots. The great cosmic battle between the Woman and the Dragon is not fought in the fantasies of movie screens. It is fought on the battleground of human hearts, one heart at a time.
Fr. Euteneuer's Spirit & Life (12-07-07), PR on USCCB & Movie Reviewer -H. Forbes, & "GC" Info.
Fr. Euteneuer asks Bishops to Fire Scandalous Movie Reviewer (my comment)
"There seems to be a decades-old pattern of embarrassment on the part of some USCCB subordinates and other lay officials when it comes to the teachings of the Catholic Church. All too often these scandals involve matters of homosexuality. In 1987 we had the document 'The Many Faces of AIDS' which was problematic on the use of condoms, then in 1997 the scandalous document 'Always our Children' so distorted Catholic teaching that it had to be rewritten after its release."
Father Euteneuer continued, "Then in December, 2005, Forbes's review of Brokeback Mountain with its original 'L' rating for 'Limited' had to be corrected and reclassified as 'O' for 'Morally Objectionable.' The bishops have been embarrassed by their staff like clockwork for almost 20 years. Now, in December 2007, the bishops have had to withdraw Forbes's review of The Golden Compass from CNS after publication. (you will be redirected to the removal notice) After major scandals involving homosexual clergy, do we really need their movie reviewer now tiptoeing around hostile atheism?
"Let Harry Forbes be the sign that the bishops can break the cycle of subtle and overt dissent among their subordinates. They should show him the door and require all other employees to take an Oath of Fidelity. That will separate the wheat from the chaff," concluded Fr. Euteneuer.
More Info:
Archbishop Chaput: Sympathy for the devil: thoughts on 'The Golden Compass'
Read Insight Scoop Comments
A response: Does Literature Affect Children? to First Things review of the movie The Golden Compass
Flash: USCCB *withdraws* its Golden Compass review
Catholic League
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
'Veil tip' and a great deal of thanks (and many prayers for Fr. Mark) to Fr. Mark for sharing these on Our "Momma":
Rejoice, O Virgin Mother Clothed With the Sun
Am I not here whom am your Mother?
A Marian Grace Sweeping Through the Church
VIDEOS on Our Lady of Guadalupe
And more on this feast day:
Mexico City's Basilica of Guadalupe is second only to the Vatican for pilgrimages
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Javier Solana -"Countering Globalization's darkside"-pdf
Creating crises and fixing them....hmmm!? Gotta have a 'global solution' with someone promoting, enabling, mediating,...need I say more?
- Terrorism
- Global Warming
- Oil shortage
- AIDS/Health Issues
- Social Issues
- Over-population
- Pollution
- Trade Issues
"...founded our project (EU): solid laws and institutions, the tireless pursuit of consensus and a spirit of compromise. We should bear this in mind as we develop Europe's global role." (How to disrupt consensus)
Their 'glue'---guess what that is?....'energy and climate change'--there ya' go!
Notice the use of this term 'dark side' in both docs!
That's ok...we know who wins IN THE END!
That's right let's get it ALL out INTO THE LIGHT!
On the eve of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Oh, Dearest, most loving, MOMMA take this child of GOD and all those he comes in contact - and turn all their thoughts TO YOU - as their mother and of course lead them ever so gently to YOUR SON-OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!'They' 'think' the 'train's left the station'; I got news for them....it's on the WRONG TRACKS!
Thank and Praise YOU FATHER, Thank and Praise YOU JESUS, Thank and Praise YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!
What exciting times we live in...YEA GOD!
NZ - Catholics encouraged to watch Golden Compass
The distributors of a film that has outraged Catholic groups in the United States have invited New Zealand Catholics to previews to "make up their own minds".
Issues in the Middle East
Report: Iranian opposition group says Tehran did not halt nuke program
Bush Embarks on Saudi-Brokered Deal with Tehran
"In other words, the Bush administration is not only engaged in a sellout of the Israeli government but also of the pro-Western Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora."
Moscow pushing for follow-up Mideast peace summit in April
Russian Navy Returns to the High Seas
Here we go.....
"Russia won't defend the world from the evil Americans"
MI5 thinks Iranians duped US; others say Bush made deal with Teheran
The National Intelligence Estimate and the 12th Imam
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Do your best. But never give up your beads.
Mary, Younger Than Sin
Immaculata: Hope of Thy Children Scarred by Sin
From our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI:
Pope: The Immaculate Conception, the Mother of Love for the young “victims of corruption”
Pope Offers Mary as Model to Youth
The Virgin Without Sin
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Culture Wars - Defense
WATCH VIDEO: Hannity & Colmes Expose “Folsom Street” Depravities in Pelosi’s District
**Warning-Graphic--Report (from Washington Blade Blog) on the Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth news conference at the National Press Club...'Exposing' the Folsom Street Fair
Christian Bashing: The Last Acceptable Bigotry
New Group to Fight Back Against Anti-Christian Threats
Catholic League: There's a Homosexual Crisis in the Priesthood, Never was a "Pedophilia" Crisis
Protestant schools decry 'Compass'
How Catholic-bashing became respectable
Golden Compass pulled from Calgary Catholic schools
Prayers for Holocaust Survivor Anita Dittman
Minnesota Holocaust Survivor Tells Story of Her Survival
Hope in the Midst of Holocaust
A Christmas Story - Germany 1940s
If you'd like to send a card:
Anita Dittman
c/o Lighthouse Trails Publishing
P.O. Box 958
Silverton, Oregon 97381
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
You are tagged
They can also locate workers -- medical professionals and nurses -- who are carrying self-powered, or active, tags that pinpoint their whereabouts at any given time.
This is where the technology is entering the second generation of utility. Popular for tracking pets, the RFID is slowly creeping over to humans who have little
choice: children, Alzheimer's patients, employees.
"The arguments that are winning these days involve safety, efficiency and productivity," said Ian Kerr, Canada research chair in ethics, law and technology at the University of Ottawa law faculty. "The challenge in this era is to employ this kind of technology in a way that isn't dehumanizing."
VeriChip on FOX News TODAY - *Dr. Manny Alvarez<
Dr. Manny Alvarez, Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Science at Hackensack University Medical Center and FoxNews.com health managing editor.
NCReporter - Profiles of five women priests
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Planned Health Center for Baltimore
Question: What about the Catholic U.S. citizens without healthcare?
File this one under....head shaking in wonder...
Using the poor angels in coloring books to teach children this?! When will it ever end?! GOD HELP US!
[snip]In one page of the coloring book — for students in the first through fifth grades — a smiling angel tells an altar boy who is putting on a vestment: “For safety’s sake, a child and an adult shouldn’t be alone in a closed room together. If a child and an adult happen to be alone, someone should know where they are and the door should be open or have a big window in it.”
EXACTLY...And now we (adults) have placed the burden on children to react to these situations and make a correction!!!! They're not old enough to do this! It's our job NOT theirs! We're the adults!In an interview today, Dr. Eli H. Newberger, a pediatrician at Harvard Medical School and a leading expert on child sexual abuse, warned in an interview that young children may misinterpret well-intended messages.
“With regard to kids, any such simple message as, ‘Don’t be alone with an adult in the room,’ is susceptible to multiple interpretations children are going to place on it given their age, their previous experience with caring adults and with the person and the medium from whom the message comes,” he said.
Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Speech on youtube too.
And let's not forget about last week's incident in GA! - >Abortion foes say banners to return to Gwinnett
More on the "Rethink Conference"
Rethink Co-Founder and Church Communication Network (CCN) CEO Bill Dallas states, "The Crystal Cathedral and Church Communication Network remain united in our association, our commitment to the truth of God's Word, our passion for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and our groundbreaking approach to conferencing excellence. Despite the criticism and detractors, we are not dissuaded from our goal: to harvest the very best perspectives, discoveries, strategies and action plans to empower people to reach their greatest level of service… even if those elements come from some unexpected sources."
Friday, November 30, 2007
“SPE SALVI facti sumus"
Thank and praise YOU FATHER, thank and praise YOU JESUS, thank and praise YOU HOLY SPIRIT!!!!
Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle
Pay attention to what's happening in our world...most especially in entertainment. When it would be so easy to say during this beginning of our holiday season..."Come on kids lets go see a movie...what movie do you want to see?" Please investigate what's out there and notice how it's being marketed to your children and you! Notice the marketing scheme taking place through kid meals, toys, books....etc.
Have you seen the movie trailer of "The Golden Compass"? Have you heard the dialog? 'They' use this title of a dark villain- "institutional villain, the Magisterium" - as a key role to defeat! Do you get that? Magisterium...doesn't take an anvil to fall outta the sky and hit me over the head to understand what's going on! But, see, this is the hook....most Catholics have been poorly catechised and don't know the connection or the meaning of Magisterium...and that's how the enemy works. HELLO!
Please don't HELP him! Learn about your faith. Tradition and Living Magisterium
It's ALL right here on the internet and available for all to be fed (and protected). When you feed your soul you protect yourself from the weaknesses/openings that the enemy wants to use to manipulate, monopolize, and capitalize on for his advantage.
'Take' the "Advent Challenge" - from Fr. Euteneuer
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Best Media File Converter!!!
Miracles Everyday!
Pregnancy and Cancer: Two Lives at Risk
"The dark hair covering Isabella's tiny head was evidence that her mother's chemotherapy did not affect the baby's development."
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
"Teen Life" Priest - Monsignor Dale Fushek - Trouble!
"Father Dale" Fallout
Former colleague declines to endorse Fushek
Priest leads service despite sex-case suspension
Fushek and Mark Dippre, a former Catholic priest, launched the Praise and Worship Center with a mailing address in Chandler and led a non-denominational service at the Phoenix Marriott Mesa Hotel in downtown Mesa.
VeriChip: Be aware!
"Blaming a news story" (scroll down)
VeriChip is trying to fix the Verimed problems. It continues to sign up more hospitals and give them scanners to read the implanted chips. It plans a consumer advertising campaign in parts of Massachusetts, Florida and New Jersey where many of the 900 hospitals equipped with scanners are in the hopes more people will buy the chips. There is a chance that Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey might cover the implantable chips. Finally, VeriChip is negotiating with Applied Digital, its Florida parent, on reducing debt and its control position below 50 per cent.
News Roundup: The Annapolis Meeting
The Shadow That Covered Annapolis
Arabs doubt Annapolis conference will bring peace
Rice Pledges Urgent Annapolis Agreement Follow-Up
Analysis: Going for broke
Annapolis - the un-Madrid
Iranian President: Annapolis a Failure
Palestinians see Israel as winner in Annapolis
Another interesting read....
"Religion is becoming the most powerful force in international relations."
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Anglicans Turning Catholic
From the time of England’s break from Rome in the 16th century, the British Monarch has been the titular head of the church, heading an ecclesiastical structure entirely separate from the pope-centered Roman Catholicism that has dominated continental history. The Act of Settlement, passed in 1701 and still in effect, preserves this independence by requiring that the person assuming the throne be Anglican and specifically excluding a Catholic or anyone who has married a Catholic. The present queen, when she was crowned in 1953, swore an oath “to maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed religion established by law.”
Upholding this oath factors heavily in Britain’s independence from Europe because, since the pope claims authority over all Roman Catholics, a Catholic British monarch would owe primary allegiance to Rome over and above that owed the British crown.
The Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC):
From its beginning, the tac has had a spiritual affinity with Roman Catholics. Shortly after it formed, it began informal consultations with the Vatican on how to gain formal recognition as part of the Catholic Church. The primate of the group, Archbishop John Hepworth, has said, “We have no doctrinal difference with Rome.”
This is quite a stunning statement coming from an Anglican archbishop. Set aside the many smaller differences the Protestant Reformed religion traditionally has with Roman Catholicism, and still there remains a very large elephant in the middle of the room: government.
Authority within the Roman Catholic Church, by stark contrast, emanates from one man, traditionally called “the Vicar of Christ,” the one and only “Successor of the Prince of the Apostles”—the pope.
The tac is willing to swallow that pill. Archbishop Hepworth says, “Unity with Peter is a biblical imperative,” referring to the pope’s claim to be the rightful successor to the Apostle Peter. “What is important, and we are having to learn as a community,” he says, “is to ask not what we think, but what the church says, and five centuries of bad habits are going to die hard.”
For half a century, Herbert W. Armstrong served as editor in chief of what was, during its apex in the 1980s, the world’s most popular newsmagazine, the Plain Truth. Its pages often prophesied of an event that for decades many considered an impossibility—the unification of Protestants with their Roman Catholic mother church. Mr. Armstrong foretold the event as far back as 1934, the year the magazine began.
A sample, from the October 1961 Plain Truth edition: “The pope will step in as the supreme unifying authority—the only one that can finally unite the differing nations of Europe. …Europe will go Roman Catholic! Protestantism will be absorbed into the ‘mother’ church—and totally abolished.”
It is because of statements such as these that the Trumpet, which follows the Plain Truth’s pattern of Bible-based news analysis, has closely watched efforts by religious leaders to bring Protestant churches back into communion with the Vatican. These latest moves among Anglicans fit the mold in an astonishing way.
Palestinian leader: Give me Jerusalem
WorldNetDaily: Annapolis insanity
American Thinker: No More Middle East Peace Charades, Please
Israelis, Palestinians to hold biweekly talks from Dec. 12
A Divided Jerusalem - 11.26.07
World Leaders Gather In Annapolis To Discuss The Fate Of Jerusalem
Israel rattled by third quake this week
World Tribune — Geologist's prophecy: Holy Land overdue for a major earthquake
Monday, November 26, 2007
SW FLA: Retired bishop announces plans to become Roman Catholic
Marcus' guests at 'the round table' are former atheists - it should be a very informative show.
Resistance to Latin Mass liberalization is disobedient and proud, says bishop
Archbishop Ranjith said that, in these dissents, “there hide, on the one hand, ideological prejudices and, on the other hand, pride, which is one of the most serious sins.”
“The bishops, in particular, have sworn fidelity to the pontiff; may they be coherent and faithful to their commitment,” he said.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
From Fr. Mark: Holy Mass: Our Great Thanksgiving
There is a profound Catholic significance in celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday on a Thursday, the day of the Eucharist. The Gospel we heard draws us into the Cenacle; liturgically, today is not merely Thanksgiving Day, the last Thursday of November. It becomes for us Holy Thursday. It is the hour of Christ’s Mystical Supper with His disciples. Christ is at table and we are there with Him.
Our Lord speaks to us; He gives us the mysteries of His Body and Blood. He calls us to fruitfulness, to the fruitfulness of sacrificial love. Thanksgiving and fruitfulness are inseparably bound up. Those who are thankful will be fruitful. Those who are fruitful will be thankful. “I chose you,” says Jesus, “and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide” (Jn 15:16).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
BEWARE: Defense of "The Golden Compass"
Catholic author and religion scholar Donna Freitas (Boston University).
Her blog.
Pullman Interview
Monday, November 19, 2007
'Mr. Whipple' actor Dick Wilson dies
Eternal rest grant unto him, O LORD and let perpetual light shine upon him. May all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of GOD rest in peace.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Cyclone death toll passes 2,200
Russia, U.S. lead in abortion
Detective 'certain' Madeleine is alive
Pensioners' organs used in transplants
Rights for human eggs could be a ballot question in CO.
New laws to pave way fpr 'CLONED' BABIES
Venezuelan President Chavez Warns of Higher Gas Prices if U.S. Strikes Iran
VeriChip News
Touting their product in the 'big city' of N.Y.!
VeriChip Corporation and Digital Angel Corporation to Disclose Additional Details on Implantable RFID Glucose-Sensing Microchip for Humans on December 4th and 5th in New York
'On the road'
Digital Angel Corporation to Hold Virtual Investor Road Show for All Interested Investors
Digital Angel Receives Over $600,000 Order From USDA For National Animal ID SystemMr. Edelstein said, “We believe the merger with Applied Digital will open the door for increased institutional investment in the combined company by removing the obstacles that have previously dissuaded these investors from buying Digital Angel stock. By no longer having a majority owner of Digital Angel, which caused an overhang on our stock, we believe investors will again focus on the value and growth potential of our businesses. This online road show is accessible to all interested investors.”
Digital Angel Corporation Remotely Tracks the Ponies
In Europe
Cat Apparently Hitches From NJ to Ga.
Microchip leads to reunion with dog
Vanessa Williams, pet lover
Microchip Clinic
God is not nice
Niceness, at least as it is normally conceived, seeks to avoid pain at all costs. It not only avoids pain, but even the hint of discomfort. Niceness is the highest moral expression of bourgeois society, a society that sees comfort and ease as the highest goods. And modern society is bourgeois in the highest degree. It is unguent-soaked, padded, temperature-controlled, luxuriant, tidy, well-groomed; it is mediocre par excellence. It is no surprise, then, that modern society values niceness so highly. To be nice is to be non-judgmental, pliant, stroking, and affirming. It allows for no negativity, for negativity is uncomfortable.
"Unsolicited advice"
Los Angeles Times offers pointers to Benedict XVI on his 2008 visit
to U.S., advises pontiff don’t “side with the hard-liners”
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Exorcism: Father Jose Antonio Fortea in US: St. Louis
Video Interview 1 - on Interviewing Fr. Fortea
Hot Springs Village parish opens new columbarium
Prayers of Reparation
Prayer of Reparation
O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore thee profoundly. I offer thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of thee the conversion of poor sinners.
Friday, November 16, 2007
'SWITCH' - Download Audio Converter!
You know it's hard to download some audio files (i.e. rm / ra / ram+ ,mwv,) to play on a mp3 player without a converter. I'm so very excited to find this-'SWITCH'. It's FREE too! Yea!
Feast of St. Gertrude the Great
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of eternal life, Your Heart is a glowing furnace of Love. You are my refuge and my sanctuary. O my adorable and loving Savior, consume my heart with the burning fire with which Yours is aflamed. Pour down on my soul those graces which flow from Your love. Let my heart be united with Yours. Let my will be conformed to Yours in all things. May Your Will be the rule of all my desires and actions. Amen. Saint Gertrude
"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen."
Our Lord told St. Gertrude that the following prayer would release 1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said. The prayer was extended to include living sinners as well.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
NCR's-John Allen, Jr. UPDATE Day 3 USCCB
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
UPDATE: It's OFFICAL - NRLC Endorses Thompson
NCReporter:John Allen, Jr. on the USCCB Fall '07 Meeting
Prayers of Reparation
Prayer of Reparation
O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore thee profoundly. I offer thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of thee the conversion of poor sinners.
This is interesting...
Most Reverend William S. Skylstad
Presidential AddressGeneral Meeting
November 12, 2007
All our prayers are for GOD'S WILL to be done...we pray and get outta-the-way....
Today, Americans often have an image of leadership that equates it to power. We often hear calls in society for strong and decisive leadership. At the same time, however, there is resentment toward those who seem to “lord it over” others—who use power and influence in a manner that conflicts with the strong current of individualism that characterizes our time and place. Still, the power of leadership is both a reality and a necessity.
And so, the questions for us as Bishops are these: What is the nature of our leadership and authority, and how do we exercise it? To answer, we must look to the true model of leadership: that of Jesus of Nazareth. And we must ask: how did Jesus lead? How did he use his authority? For us as Bishops, a deep and Christ-like vision of leadership must be at the heart of our service. Christ has called us, as successors of the Apostles, to be his voice in our time. And our time needs to hear the voice of Christ. The Old Testament reminds us of a basic truth: without a vision the people will perish (see Proverbs 29:18). That vision is Christ’s. It is carried by the Church; and we, like Jeremiah, must cry out and not hold back. Indeed at a time like this it should be all so clear to us: We cannot shrink from our calling to be shepherds, to be leaders.
[snip]Of course the source of Christ’s power, and its goal as well, was simply this: Truth. The ultimate basis of all truth, of all understanding, rests in God himself. As Christ made it his mission to show us his Father, to teach us to seek the will of his Father, we cannot in fidelity to him renounce or weaken our proclamation of the truth. In our day, that truth is so often related to questions of the moral life. For that reason, we need to continue to speak out and teach our people joyfully to embrace life, to incorporate fully the Church’s vision about chastity and the nature of marriage, and to understand the humanly and spiritually corrosive results of the contraceptive mentality and lifestyle. As shepherds, we will continue to be clear about the fundamental injustice of abortion and of sacrificing sacred human lives at their earliest moments for the sake of progress in medicine and science, or for convenience. We are in a position to speak to those issues not only because our theology holds God’s truth, but also because our contributions to health and to the relief of suffering, by means of our Catholic institutions, are second to none.
[snip]As shepherds, we must continue to move minds and hearts to care for those who are needy and disadvantaged. We will continue to speak that truth to all our elected leaders, and to those whose policies affect our society and our world, which so longs for justice and equity.
But even as the basis of our leadership is the moral and doctrinal truth for salvation given by Christ, our leadership is shaped by Christ in a further way. That is, he “did not regard equality with God [as] something to be grasped”; he took on the form of a slave (Philippians 2:6-7). He came among us and lived with us in a way that proclaimed the truth, but he did so first and foremost by example. Without compromise, Christ reached out with love and patience. But his leadership was not one that measured success moment to moment. It was a service, summarized by the magnificence of the washing of the feet, of the prayer for unity, and of submission of himself to the Cross for us, in accordance with the will of his Father. Few in our climate today would see that as a successful form of leadership. But with the eyes of faith, and not of the world, it is precisely that. And that is the model we are called to emulate.
Living out such humility does seem paradoxical to many. Consider, for example, the stories that were reported recently, when Mother Teresa’s autobiography was published. Here was a person who exercised leadership in a very real way in our Church and our world, even if that leadership is essentially different from what we have been called to. Her leadership was one based in a fundamental and visible humility that challenged, but also attracted, our world. Still, some people were shocked—perhaps even scandalized—by her memoirs. They revealed that, as with many of the greatest of saints, her humility was not only lived externally. It was a deep spiritual reality. God, it seems, gave her periods of dryness during which he hid his face from her.
The example of Mother Teresa should cause us to reflect as Bishops. What is the state of our souls? Our leadership must be rooted in the humility of a life of prayer, every day and before the Eucharist. It must embrace Christ in the humbleness of the Sacrament of Penance. Our leadership as shepherds will never be authentic if our souls are not one with Christ the shepherd. The words of Mother Teresa herself are fit for our own meditation as Bishops in service to the God’s people: “It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted and ardent. If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are. If you are blamed you will not be discouraged. If they call you a saint you will not put yourself on a pedestal.”
Child abuse in church found to mirror society
When It Comes to Defending the Faith, There is No 'Plan B' (Judie Brown)
Newly Elected of USCCB:
Pres. Cardinal George- Chicago,IL
Vice-Pres. Bishop Gerald Kincanas- Tucson, AZ
And our prayers continue...COME, HOLY SPIRIT COME!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Thompson to Be Endorsed by Right to Life
Whew, I'm already worn out.
And I don't know the outcome of this situation: Protest over Robertson
Continued Reaction to Robertson/Guiliani endorsement:
Giuliani better off without Robertson Even in a world that creates strange bedfellows, Pat Robertson's endorsement last week of Rudolph W. Giuliani for president is bizarre.
Kathleen Parker: What's God got to do with the election?
US Social Conservatives Continue Criticism of Robertson's
CTA-Call to Action co-presidents outline successes
Call to Action gets back to its roots, tackling racism
CTA photos - Call to Action, Sunday 2007
This one looks like someone from a comic book- hero.
I believe that their 'numbers' are dwindling...try to look at the group pictures(seated). It's pretty dark in the background; it would probably be lit-up if there were more people attending this conference. Interesting.
USCCB Meeting - This week in Baltimore
We ask all this in HIS NAME JESUS CHRIST, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, and by the WILL OF GOD THE FATHER! AMEN.
News Round-up
Bishops turn away group critical of Lincoln Diocese (CTA)
Bishops Weigh Guidelines for Catholic VotersA group critical of the Lincoln Catholic diocese for not participating in a sex abuse survey says it was turned away when it tried to hand-deliver petitions to bishops meeting in Baltimore, Maryland.
The group Call to Action instead planned to sneak the petitions into the hotel where the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is gathered.
Catholic Bishops Vote This Week on Pro-Life Election 2008 Document
Musicam Sacram
COMMENTARY: US Bishops Gather. Faithful Pray for Clarity
Sunday, November 11, 2007
To Pat Robertson, Rudy Giuliani is the Lesser of Two Evils
Ditto, on that statement.That question will be put to Pat Robertson, not Rudy Giuliani, because Rudy is not changing his position. Pat Robertson, on the other hand, is making a 180-degree turn from his vehement opposition to Rudy’s stand on the moral issues.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Robertson answers those inevitable questions.
And yes it shall be interesting.
UPDATE:Roman Catholic Priest’s resigning angers Baltimore area residents
Friday, November 09, 2007
Leonardo Painting Has Coded 'Soundtrack'
Official site for the "Last Supper,": http://www.cenacolovinciano.it
Baltimore: Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien - is he 'cleaning'?
S. Baltimore pastor joined by Episcopal priest during Mass
[snip]Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien personally ordered the Rev. Ray Martin, who has led the Catholic Community of South Baltimore for five years, to resign from the three churches and sign a statement yesterday apologizing for "bringing scandal to the church."
Sean Caine, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, said this was one example of repeated administrative and liturgical offenses Martin had committed in more than a year.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Fr. Euteneuer responds to Jesuit who ‘Came Out’ at Campus Mass
November 8, 2007 johnmallon@cox.net
FRONT ROYAL, VA — The Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, STL, president of Human Life International, (HLI) today published an “open letter” to Father Thomas J. Brennan, SJ, who declared that he was a homosexual during a student Mass, admitting that it was one of “the worst kept secrets” on campus.
Father Euteneuer’s response, “Homosexual Jesuit Needs Refresher Course in Priestly Love” was published in his weekly email newsletter, Spirit & Life, available Thursday after 3:00 PM EST on the HLI website (http://www.hli.org/). The letter called for Brennan to apologize to his congregation.
Father Euteneuer said, “There is something just plain wrong about abusing people’s trust in the priesthood in such a public way, and since you chose to ‘go public’ with this matter, a public response to your outrageous ‘outing’ is merited.”
“First of all,” Father Euteneuer said, “Holy Mass is not a forum for your self-expression. You chose the sacred liturgy and the pulpit reserved for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the launching pad for your personal testament to homosexuality … You’ve read the same documents I’ve read about the liturgy, and none of them say the liturgy is your personal stage.”
He continued, “[Celibacy] is a form of Christian chastity to which you and I are called, and I trust that you are faithful to it. … A heterosexual celibate renounces his natural desire for wife and children in order to embrace the Bride of Christ in a direct spousal relationship. A homosexual celibate renounces an unholy desire for members of the same sex: that is a renunciation of a disorder, not the embrace of a Bride.
“When even a celibate priest chooses to go public about his homosexual identity as an expression of ‘diversity’ or ‘pride’, the faithful are rightfully confused and scandalized. Not only do you owe them an apology, you owe them a better example of priesthood. They deserve a priest who is clear about the Church’s doctrine about homosexual acts and who teaches it unambiguously. … If you do not clearly witness the Church’s teaching about your own vocation, how can you teach others to be faithful to theirs?”
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Women warned against Catholic ordination
Interfaith Concert to be held in Basilica - National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
7:30pm Concert UPPER CHURCH
InterFaith Website Links (InterFaith Organizations)
- Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Institute on Religion and Public Policy
- The Interfaith Alliance
- The Interfaith Center of New York
- Interfaith Climate Change Network
- International Committee for the Peace Council
- The International Interfaith Center
- Interfaith Voices for Peace and Justice
- The National Religious Partnership for the Environment
- The North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) (Our Assistant Director, Mike Goggin, is the current Chairperson of the NAIN Board of Directors!)
- The Pluralism Project at Harvard University
- The Rumi Forum for Interfaith Dialogue
- Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding
- Temple of Understanding
- United Religions Initiative
- United States Conference of Religions for Peace
- World Conference of Religions for Peace
Tsunami Dialogue -Cardinal McCarrick participates
Can. 1205 Sacred places are those which are designated for divine worship or for the burial of the faithful by a dedication or a blessing which the liturgical books prescribe for this purpose.
Can. 1210 Only those things which serve the exercise or promotion of worship, piety, or religion are permitted in a sacred place; anything not consonant with the holiness of the place is forbidden. In an individual case, however, the ordinary can permit other uses which are not contrary to the holiness of the place.
Can. 1214 By the term church is understood a sacred building designated for divine worship to which the faithful have the right of entry for the exercise, especially the public exercise, of divine worship.
Can. 1221 Entry to a church is to be free and gratuitous during the time of sacred celebrations.
ALTARS (Code of Canon Law)
IFC's 27th (2006) Annual InterFaith Concert
A Celebration of the Sacred in Song, Dance and Chant
(at Washington Hebrew Congregation )
Question: Should an event like this be held in the Shrine?
Prayer to Mary Help of Christians
Dear Mother, Help of Christians, we come to you in confidence with our needs and like the sons and daughters of St. John Bosco, relying on your unfailing help. Bring us all to your Son and guide our hearts to bless the work of the Salesian Priests, Brothers and Sisters,as you protected their founder in his great work for the Church. Amen.
May all do the ordaining will of the FATHER!