See Fr. Z's Post with funeral arrangements
Tireless commitment to pastoral care
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
+JMJ+ Isaiah 41:15 Behold, I will make of you a threshing sledge, new, sharp, and having teeth; you shall thresh the mountains and crush them, and you shall make the hills like chaff; Matthew 3:12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse his floor and gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire. "Let the TRUTH be your delight.... proclaim IT..., but with a certain congeniality." St. Catherine of Siena
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Michael Voris - Whoa! A couple of BIG ONES to watch!
The Pope's Warning
Father Z's' Post
The Pope & The U.S. Bishops
Father Z's' Post
The Pope & The U.S. Bishops
Friday, December 17, 2010
Climate Change News - Cancun
The 'Gore-Effect' - Cold temps at the Conference -THANK YOU, LORD!
I reallllly like this article- "Hasta la vista,...."- this one is my FAV.!
Sydney Morning Herald
From The Hill - Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
John Podesta
Summary - from Huffington Post
The New York Times
Boston Globe - John Kerry comments
From the Telegraph - UK
Dang...I missed a 'Hot Air Viewing Event/Tour!'
I reallllly like this article- "Hasta la vista,...."- this one is my FAV.!
Sydney Morning Herald
From The Hill - Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr.
John Podesta
Summary - from Huffington Post
The New York Times
Boston Globe - John Kerry comments
From the Telegraph - UK
Dang...I missed a 'Hot Air Viewing Event/Tour!'
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
My Newest Favorite - Christmas Show - Disney's - "Prep & Landing"
WATCH IT! I think it's the best! I saw this one last year and was so excited to see it again this year. It's so cute and well done. I needed this one this year...cheered me up immensely - HO HO!
Washington Watch
Washington Watch - Earmarks
From RedState - contact info too.
Another RedState Item- here, & here.
Washington Watch
Washington Watch - Earmarks
From RedState - contact info too.
Another RedState Item- here, & here.
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Climate Change News - Cancun
Cancun - Demonstrating in Cancun- "They include a bullet-ridden Jesus Christ, a traditionally dressed Mayan and a masked youth, who referred to himself as “El Independiente.”"
Not enough to do in Cancun? Please!
A Dispute
World Bank
Mesoamerican Climate Justice Campaign - NOTE their 'proposals' -"Amongst the principal demands"- "Recognition of and reparations for the ecological debt"
Not enough to do in Cancun? Please!
A Dispute
World Bank
Mesoamerican Climate Justice Campaign - NOTE their 'proposals' -"Amongst the principal demands"- "Recognition of and reparations for the ecological debt"
Feast Day - Saint Juan Diego
Saint Juan Diego by Miguel Cabrera
"Do not let anything afflict you, and do not be afraid of any illness, or accident, or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Do you need anything else?"
-Words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Happy Feast Day - Solemnity - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Italiano: Immacolata Concezione dell'Escorial
Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1618–1682)
The Magnificat
Luke 1: 46-55 (Douay translation)
My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.
Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Because he that is mighty hath done great things to me, and holy is his name.
And his mercy is from generation unto generations, to them that fear him.
He hath shewed might with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He hath received Israel his servant, being mindful of his mercy:
As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
St. Anne pray for us!
Pray the Rosary!
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
GEORGE SOROS - 'Helping' in MN! Fundraising!
Fundraising in George Soros' home in NY - MN Mark Dayton to help pay for his state vote recount. Bill Clinton will be there too on Dec. 13th!
Monday, December 06, 2010
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Climate Control News (Scam News)
Lawrence Solomon: The $7-billion carbon scam
The Party's over....I mean scam... ; ) Again, I pray so.
Ted Turner comments
Demonstators in London - Socialist Worker Student Society and Socialist Worker at March - Communist - Marxist Party of GB
Trouble brewing in the talks? Corruption? - really?
Insurance - a role in Climate Change
A Global Change Fund?
An item from Human Events
Supporting a Climate Change fund -What?!
The world’s second-biggest cement maker - Holcim, Ltd. -Carbon-Dioxide permits stolen from their account - $19 mil. CO2 Allowances stolen
HFC-23 emissions
ClimateWise (I did not know this) A letter from the Chairman of ClimateWise - Cancun
The Party's over....I mean scam... ; ) Again, I pray so.
Ted Turner comments
Demonstators in London - Socialist Worker Student Society and Socialist Worker at March - Communist - Marxist Party of GB
Trouble brewing in the talks? Corruption? - really?
Insurance - a role in Climate Change
A Global Change Fund?
An item from Human Events
Supporting a Climate Change fund -What?!
The world’s second-biggest cement maker - Holcim, Ltd. -Carbon-Dioxide permits stolen from their account - $19 mil. CO2 Allowances stolen
HFC-23 emissions
"Data presented to the European Parliament indicate that European consumers have already paid through the Clean Development Mechanism €1,5bn, mostly through their electricity bills, to destroy HFC-23 at 70 times the actual cost, thus creating huge windfall profits for a handful of companies ( in China, India, etc). This misuse of credits refers to approximately 60% of the total of CDM projects and Europe will pay €3,5bn more until 2012 for a destruction process that will actually cost only €40mn, unless further action is taken. Whereas the money spent already, properly used, could have ensured that the global HFC-23 emissions would be close to zero for at least the next decade, the concentration of this gas in the atmosphere, as the World Bank admits, has actually increased."
ClimateWise (I did not know this) A letter from the Chairman of ClimateWise - Cancun
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Update on the Cancun Conference - News Items
See CFACT - News items
Phony Claims Infest Cancun Climate Conference- Brian Sussman is author of Climategate
Blow to Carbon Market Image as Climate Negotiations Heat up
UN climate chief Pachauri ignorant of 15 years without warming
Wind Turbine Installed Near Climate Conference Venue In Cancun
From "Think Progress"
Conference - Anxiety -Will it end in a big NOTHING? (I pray!)
Plant breeders preparing for climate change
Google Videos on Fighting Climate Change- Google Earth Website
Another one - UN -Lightbulbs (background info on the lightbulb situation)
Climate Change: Alleviating Poverty Helps Developing Countries Adapt
Africa demands $100m at Cancun climate talks
Phony Claims Infest Cancun Climate Conference- Brian Sussman is author of Climategate
Blow to Carbon Market Image as Climate Negotiations Heat up
UN- Going after the my incandescent light bulbs - (forget about mine...I'm keeping mine and getting MORE! And the GOP should have this ONE in their 'sites'- the light bulb ban! They took this action...why not get rid of the law/ban on light bulbs)"Emissions allowances worth EUR24m have been stolen from a Swiss cement company, while an Italian trading platform has frozen all deal activity due to suspicions of carbon tax fraud. Meanwhile the United Nations is currently investigating whether it is handing out too many carbon credits to projects cutting industrial pollution."
UN climate chief Pachauri ignorant of 15 years without warming
Wind Turbine Installed Near Climate Conference Venue In Cancun
From "Think Progress"
Conference - Anxiety -Will it end in a big NOTHING? (I pray!)
Plant breeders preparing for climate change
Google Videos on Fighting Climate Change- Google Earth Website
Another one - UN -Lightbulbs (background info on the lightbulb situation)
Climate Change: Alleviating Poverty Helps Developing Countries Adapt
Africa demands $100m at Cancun climate talks
Please consider helping New Zeal!
He has posted sooooo much info on the Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie's connection to the Communist Party this week!!!
Look- here, here, here, & here. And has he has helped us in soooo many other areas of this 'battle'.
Again, please consider supporting New Zeal!
Thank you 'New Zeal' and know you are in my prayers!
He has posted sooooo much info on the Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie's connection to the Communist Party this week!!!
Look- here, here, here, & here. And has he has helped us in soooo many other areas of this 'battle'.
Again, please consider supporting New Zeal!
Thank you 'New Zeal' and know you are in my prayers!
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Climate Change News - Cancun
YouTube- Climate Conference Channel
Cancun Climate Engineering Circa 1500
Adopt a Negotiator
UK -The Telegraph - Cancun Climate Change Conference: the Diary
Conference not going to go very far - just small goalsCancun, Mexico: 19,000 Murders Versus 60 Hypothetical "Climate Change" Deaths - The Absolute Insanity of Modern Politicians
More than 400 consumer giants issue Cancun climate commitment
Global Adaptation Institute
Cancun Climate Engineering Circa 1500
Adopt a Negotiator
UK -The Telegraph - Cancun Climate Change Conference: the Diary
Conference not going to go very far - just small goalsCancun, Mexico: 19,000 Murders Versus 60 Hypothetical "Climate Change" Deaths - The Absolute Insanity of Modern Politicians
More than 400 consumer giants issue Cancun climate commitment
Global Adaptation Institute
Lord Monckton - 'Climategate' - from 1 yr. ago - Dec. '09
Monckton names names on Climategate
Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference from CFACT on Vimeo.
Lord Monckton on Climategate at the 2nd International Climate Conference from CFACT on Vimeo.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Climate Change Items & News
Info from Cancun
$100 Billion Fund
Live Coverage from the UK's The Guardian
Rationing in a REAL WORLD?! ?????
Michelle Malkin's post --by Doug Powers - Cancun Climate Summit Scientists Call for **Rationing in the Developed World (**Exceptions: Climate Change Summits & Al Gore)
Dr. Tim Ball: Time For Economic Restoration Now That Climate Change Deception Exposed
Possible Climate Agreements?
'Space' Mirrors?
Sorry, for the question marks....I'm amazed by all of this 'stuff'.
My 100 billion dollar questions: How did all these people get to Cancun? and what about their 'carbon footprints'?
Remember: Mexico this week - CLIMATE CONFERENCE - News Items
PositiveID News & Microchip Items
PositiveID Corporation Expands Its Wireless Body Platform Utilizing Its Patented Embedded Bio-Sensor System
What else are they going to add to this "Wireless Body Platform"? Hmmm?!
Wireless Body Area Network - WBAN info - 'paper'
What else are they going to add to this "Wireless Body Platform"? Hmmm?!
Wireless Body Area Network - WBAN info - 'paper'
Advent 2010
Bishop Robert Baker has put together mediations for Advent - Reasons for Hope: Meditations for the Advent Season by Bishop Robert J. Baker
Download the Ebook-pdf
See Women for Faith & Family
The Advent Wreath - How to make your own Advent Wreath or order one
Download the Ebook-pdf
See Women for Faith & Family
The Advent Wreath - How to make your own Advent Wreath or order one
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
TSA - THIS IS our reality?
Chastity (Purity) is that virtue which keeps the sexual secret hidden as a dominion whose disposition lies in the hand of God.
~ Dietrich von Hildebrand
Monday, November 22, 2010
I just found this one...a day later...everyday - HE IS THE KING OF KINGS!
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Solemnity of Christ The King
Feast of Christ The King
Poles gather for consecration of huge Jesus statue -
Picture Gallery of Statue -WOW - LOOK! - (Supposedly the world's largest statue of Jesus)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Climate change is the new global terror, says Al Gore
While we are all eating turkey next week this concerted effort to 'scam' the world out of $$$$$ is still being perpetuated!
One more thing.... Look this picture - How much electricity is he using?
While we are all eating turkey next week this concerted effort to 'scam' the world out of $$$$$ is still being perpetuated!
One more thing.... Look this picture - How much electricity is he using?
Climate Change News
IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth”
The Climate Cash Cow
Christian Earthkeeping – Social Justice Over Climate Change
"But, environmental activists say there are many incremental steps that can be taken by governments attending the conference to advance world efforts to mitigate both global warming and its adverse consequences."
The Climate Cash Cow
Christian Earthkeeping – Social Justice Over Climate Change
Climate Change Talks Must Focus on Global Health
"But, environmental activists say there are many incremental steps that can be taken by governments attending the conference to advance world efforts to mitigate both global warming and its adverse consequences."
Friday, November 19, 2010
Prayer Need: Iraq :Our Lady of Salvation
Listen to Bishop Yousif Habush @ 1:42:48 mins
USCCB: Bishop Soto Named Chairman of Subcommittee on Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Bishop Morin Reports to Bishops on Review and Renewal of Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The Review and Renewal of CCHD
The USCCB: News from the Front
Look at 'Churchmouse' - A good looking chart on Progressives and Church Connections - not bad...but a beginning...
Catholic Campaign for Human Development helps groups change lives
Bishop Morin Reports to Bishops on Review and Renewal of Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The Review and Renewal of CCHD
The USCCB: News from the Front
Look at 'Churchmouse' - A good looking chart on Progressives and Church Connections - not bad...but a beginning...
Catholic Campaign for Human Development helps groups change lives
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Climate Change News
Scientists take on doubters of climate change
Institutions gain weight on climate change
Investors Urge Quick Climate Change Action
Mexico's maneuvering could yet save Cancun Summit
Investors call for global climate change deal at Cancun
World Bank Aims to Cut Poverty by 10% Adapting to Climate Shifts
Climate shifts will produce food 'winners and losers' - scientists
Time - Climate Change in the Classroom
Q+A-What is the outlook for U.N. climate talks?
Switzerland outlines goals for climate summit
Time on the Governor's Global Climate Summit
Cameron downplays climate deal at Schwarzenegger event
Cancun Summit and concerns about future economic devastation by climate change
'They' -the 'Powers-that-be' are REALLY pushing this 'scam'! Most especially before the Nov. 29th Cancun Meeting!
Institutions gain weight on climate change
Investors Urge Quick Climate Change Action
Mexico's maneuvering could yet save Cancun Summit
Investors call for global climate change deal at Cancun
World Bank Aims to Cut Poverty by 10% Adapting to Climate Shifts
Climate shifts will produce food 'winners and losers' - scientists
Time - Climate Change in the Classroom
Q+A-What is the outlook for U.N. climate talks?
Switzerland outlines goals for climate summit
Time on the Governor's Global Climate Summit
Cameron downplays climate deal at Schwarzenegger event
Cancun Summit and concerns about future economic devastation by climate change
'They' -the 'Powers-that-be' are REALLY pushing this 'scam'! Most especially before the Nov. 29th Cancun Meeting!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What's happening now?
N. Pelosi keeps her leadership --LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO!
and now George Soros is jumping outta the 'Obama Boat?!
That one scares me even more after reading the doc. from the CAP-Podesta....something is REALLY UP!!!
N. Pelosi keeps her leadership --LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO!
and now George Soros is jumping outta the 'Obama Boat?!
That one scares me even more after reading the doc. from the CAP-Podesta....something is REALLY UP!!!
Climate Change News
International investors issue global warming warning
(DO YOU THINK 'SCARY DUDE' IS IN ON THIS TOO! I WONDER!? -Check the comments too)
Deutsche Bank, Calpers Urge Climate Action to Avert 20% World Output Cut
Cameron warns against fragmented approach to climate challenge
Governor signs climate change memorandum with Brazil, Mexico
Governors' summit leads to two major environmental agreements ->
Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces First-of-its-Kind Climate Action Coalition at GGCS 3
Schwarzenegger, Regional Leaders Create Alliance to Fight Climate Change
(DO YOU THINK 'SCARY DUDE' IS IN ON THIS TOO! I WONDER!? -Check the comments too)
Barclays, NRC Make First California Cap-and-Trade Deal
"Reporting from Washington — A group of international investors responsible for more than $15 trillion in assets called Tuesday for the world's nations, particularly the United States, to move decisively to combat climate change or face economic disruptions worse than the global recession of the last two years." (????!!!!!)
Deutsche Bank, Calpers Urge Climate Action to Avert 20% World Output Cut
Cameron warns against fragmented approach to climate challenge
Governor signs climate change memorandum with Brazil, Mexico
"Charter for Regions of Climate Action" R20 — Regions of Climate Action"The UK and EU have very aggressive targets for reducing our carbon emissions," he said. "I really admire what you're doing in California and other states around the US to pick up this agenda. But at the same time we need to work towards a global deal otherwise we're all going to do our own individual bit."
Governors' summit leads to two major environmental agreements ->
GOVERNORS' GLOBAL CLIMATE SUMMIT 3 -“BUILDING THE GREEN ECONOMY”-Agenda -Attendees-MI Gov. Granholm and WI Gov. Jim Doyle."When asked whether the issue of a national cap-and-trade program is dead, Schwarznegger said he has “total confidence” that the United States will adopt cap and trade or some similar program to curb pollution."
Gov. Schwarzenegger Announces First-of-its-Kind Climate Action Coalition at GGCS 3
Schwarzenegger, Regional Leaders Create Alliance to Fight Climate Change
"The Tower of Babel" - It CONTINUES!
'Veil-tip' to Constance Cumbey for this one, as it dovetails right into Glenn Beck's show tonight...the 'Tower of Babel' - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (these are so big that I will probably re-post them) Rabbi Lapin would love this info!
Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - Faith and Modernization
Rick Warren at 2008 Clinton Global Initiative
Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - Faith and Modernization
Rick Warren at 2008 Clinton Global Initiative
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
PRAYER ALERT: REMEMBER - INTERFAITH CONCERT -TONIGHT -DC -Basilica - National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
"Featuring the Washington Baha'i Chorale, the Soka Gakkai International Buddhist Choir, Shareef Abdul Malik and the Indonesian Muslim Group, the St. Augustine Gospel Choir, and joined by the Alfred Street Baptist Church Senior Choir with the combined choir under the direction of Ms. Joyce Garrett."
+++"The InterFaith Concert is our annual “Celebration of the Sacred in Song, Dance and Chant.” For 30 years, audiences have been inspired by the musical talents of choral groups, chanters, bell choirs, and dance companies representing all of our member faith traditions. The concert is held each November and is hosted annually by one of the three largest house of worship in Washington, D.C. – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington Hebrew Congregation and Washington National Cathedral. Groups interested in performing in the concert are asked to contact IFC's Executive Director, Rev. Clark Lobenstine, up to one year in advance. You may also send us copies of your group’s performance on CD."
Please PRAY!
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
CCHD Items
Cincinnati CCHD Grantees listed
Diocese of Portland in OR
Oakland, CA
Stop Mary! CCHD - Why You Should Not Donate
(A response to this one-USCCB)
Response to CCHD Re: CIW; More Pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexualist Ties Found
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Ignores Renewal Guidelines; Defends Coalition Membership of Highlighted Group
CCHD helps fuel Elkridge parishioner’s efforts (Baltimore)
A Renewal for CCHD's Catholic Identity
CCHD 2010 — Keep up the boycott!
The USCCB -CCHD Newsletter - see the main pg for all the newsletters
5 Responses to “Authentic Reform at the Chicago CCHD” -UPDATE -SEE COMMENTS
Diocese of Portland in OR
Oakland, CA
Stop Mary! CCHD - Why You Should Not Donate
(A response to this one-USCCB)
Response to CCHD Re: CIW; More Pro-Abortion and Pro-Homosexualist Ties Found
Catholic Campaign for Human Development Ignores Renewal Guidelines; Defends Coalition Membership of Highlighted Group
CCHD helps fuel Elkridge parishioner’s efforts (Baltimore)
A Renewal for CCHD's Catholic Identity
CCHD 2010 — Keep up the boycott!
The USCCB -CCHD Newsletter - see the main pg for all the newsletters
5 Responses to “Authentic Reform at the Chicago CCHD” -UPDATE -SEE COMMENTS
UPDATED: More info on the USCCB Election - Fall 2010
Bishops Kicanas Defeated for USCCB Head! Archbishop Dolan Elected.
US Catholic bishops buck tradition, choosing NY archbishop as president
From Rocco
Commonweal - Archbishop Dolan will be the next president of the USCCB. (check out the comments) SEE THE UPDATES TOO!
Commonweal - Catholic conservatives vs. Bishop Kicanas. (UPDATED)
Victims' rights group denounces candidate to lead US Catholic bishops
Tucson's Kicanas loses to NY's Dolan
Why Bishop Kicanas' election at USCCB matters
Dolan Is Surprise Pick to Lead US Bishops' Group
Elections Do Matter…Especially Among Bishops
Bishop Kicanas endorsed by Rainbow Sash Movement as next U.S. bishops’ head
New Catholic Bishops President Chided Biden, Pelosi on Abortion
Bishops Kicanas Defeated for USCCB Head! Archbishop Dolan Elected.
US Catholic bishops buck tradition, choosing NY archbishop as president
From Rocco
Commonweal - Archbishop Dolan will be the next president of the USCCB. (check out the comments) SEE THE UPDATES TOO!
Commonweal - Catholic conservatives vs. Bishop Kicanas. (UPDATED)
Victims' rights group denounces candidate to lead US Catholic bishops
Tucson's Kicanas loses to NY's Dolan
Why Bishop Kicanas' election at USCCB matters
Dolan Is Surprise Pick to Lead US Bishops' Group
Elections Do Matter…Especially Among Bishops
Bishop Kicanas endorsed by Rainbow Sash Movement as next U.S. bishops’ head
New Catholic Bishops President Chided Biden, Pelosi on Abortion
USCCB - Elections 2010
Pres. - Archbishop Timothy Dolan - NY (he beat Bishop Kicanas)
Vice Pres. - Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. - Louisville, KY
Thank you Blessed Mother!
Vice Pres. - Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. - Louisville, KY
Thank you Blessed Mother!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
CCHD -"Must be Grass-Roots"...."Better Organize"..."A Better Place to Live"
USCCB -CCHD Dir. Ralph McCloud - ENOUGH, IS ENOUGH!!!!
USCCB -CCHD Dir. Ralph McCloud - ENOUGH, IS ENOUGH!!!!
"We exist - CCHD thanks to the generosity of COUNTLESS NUMBER OF CATHOLICS who have contributed somewhere near $400 MIL over 40 years that we have been able to give out in grants to many organizations - economic development initiatives."
Knowing that there's an appointed Consultant - Fr. Daniel Mindling, OFM, Cap., serving as the new consulting theologian for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development - DOES NOT make me feel close attention to the audio-Dir. McCloud's words.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
GEORGE SOROS - 'FIXING' - A Catholic Connection
Catholic League Alleges that George Soros Funds 'Catholic Left'
Atheist Soros Funds Catholic Groups
Soros funding pro-Obama Catholic groups
Is George Soros funding pro-Obama Catholic groups?
Catholics United Continues War on the Bishops
Soros-Funded ‘Catholics United’ To Spend $500K Promoting ‘Pro-Life Democrats’
George Soros' Pet Projects Include Overthrowing a Government
OSI-Baltimore gives to 'Catholic Charities' (look)
OSI-Baltimore gives to House of Mercy - House of Mercy - A Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas-Daycare/nursery
He's giving money to help drug addictions but then gives big bucks to help in the legalization of drugs?!
Atheist Soros Funds Catholic Groups
Soros funding pro-Obama Catholic groups
Is George Soros funding pro-Obama Catholic groups?
Catholics United Continues War on the Bishops
Soros-Funded ‘Catholics United’ To Spend $500K Promoting ‘Pro-Life Democrats’
George Soros' Pet Projects Include Overthrowing a Government
OSI-Baltimore gives to 'Catholic Charities' (look)
OSI-Baltimore gives to House of Mercy - House of Mercy - A Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas-Daycare/nursery
He's giving money to help drug addictions but then gives big bucks to help in the legalization of drugs?!
"The Open Society Institute–Baltimore was started in 1998 by philanthropist George Soros as a laboratory to better understand and solve the most intractable problems facing urban America. OSI-Baltimore is a private operating foundation that focuses its work exclusively on the root causes of three intertwined problems—drug addiction, an over-reliance on incarceration, and the obstacles that keep youth from succeeding inside and outside of the classroom. OSI-Baltimore also sponsors the Baltimore Community Fellows, now over 100 members strong, who work to create opportunity and bring justice to people in the city’s most underserved neighborhoods. The office is part of the Open Society Foundations, which aims to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. Working with local communities in more than 70 countries, the Open Society Foundations support justice and human rights, freedom of expression, and access to public health and education."
US bishops appoint theologian to strengthen CCHD’s Catholic identity
Liberal priests oppose CCHD reform efforts in Chicago (Exclusive)
CCHD Coalition Finds Radical Group Featured in Bishop's Renewal Document; Urges Delay of Annual Collection
Deal Hudson - The Catholic Campaign's New Problem with Coalitions
Will the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Keep Its Promises?
Jeff Mirus - Ecclesiastical Sea Change
Matthew Vadum - Left-Wing Radicalism in the Church: CCHD and ACORN
Acknowledging mistakes, CCHD leaders pledge new fidelity to Catholic principles
CCHD collection focuses on defending human dignity by fighting poverty
Theologian consultant named for Catholic Campaign for Human Development
US bishops appoint theologian to strengthen CCHD’s Catholic identity
Liberal priests oppose CCHD reform efforts in Chicago (Exclusive)
CCHD Coalition Finds Radical Group Featured in Bishop's Renewal Document; Urges Delay of Annual Collection
Deal Hudson - The Catholic Campaign's New Problem with Coalitions
Will the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Keep Its Promises?
Jeff Mirus - Ecclesiastical Sea Change
Matthew Vadum - Left-Wing Radicalism in the Church: CCHD and ACORN
Acknowledging mistakes, CCHD leaders pledge new fidelity to Catholic principles
CCHD collection focuses on defending human dignity by fighting poverty
Theologian consultant named for Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
The NEXT plan that is (already) in the works...
Sec.State Project - SoSP-About - Fund - donate through ActBlue
("The Secretary of State Project, a non-federal 527, helps reform candidates win Election Administration positions in key races nationwide.")
More Info:
Think Progress- (I read this one on Nov.3rd!) gearing it up for 2012
Jonathan Soros - SON
Two Cheers for the Electoral College
'Spooky Dude' needs to leave our institutions ALONE! And US citizens need to find out and study what George Soros has 'touched'! (and continues to touch--DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! And when you are done please share that info...start a's very easy to do!)
Btw you can start with Matthew Vadum's piece! And read this one.
Sec.State Project - SoSP-About - Fund - donate through ActBlue
("The Secretary of State Project, a non-federal 527, helps reform candidates win Election Administration positions in key races nationwide.")
More Info:
Think Progress- (I read this one on Nov.3rd!) gearing it up for 2012
Jonathan Soros - SON
Two Cheers for the Electoral College
'Spooky Dude' needs to leave our institutions ALONE! And US citizens need to find out and study what George Soros has 'touched'! (and continues to touch--DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! And when you are done please share that info...start a's very easy to do!)
Btw you can start with Matthew Vadum's piece! And read this one.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Microchip News Item MAKES DRUDGE!
"Smart Pill" from Novartis AG
FINALLY....maybe people will pay attention NOW! I hope and pray so! this like the "Smart Meter" too?
FINALLY....maybe people will pay attention NOW! I hope and pray so! this like the "Smart Meter" too?
Sunday, November 07, 2010
President Václav Klaus - Topic: Climate Change
President Václav Klaus: Inaugural Annual GWPF Lecture - October 19, 2010. (transcript)
Video ( I can't get it to embed-oh, well)
I would bookmark this site: The Global Warming Policy Foundation
And this one too: Climate Realists
Video ( I can't get it to embed-oh, well)
I would bookmark this site: The Global Warming Policy Foundation
And this one too: Climate Realists
More Climate Control News
Is Green Socialism EPA's Real Goal?
Global Warming and the UN
Ways to raise $100 Bil.- READ the ways! -note the "Financial Transaction Tax" (on pg 2)
Hans Labohm: Climate Change No Longer Scares Europe
A Global Tax Hike & "Tap the Private Sector"
"The Most Vulnerable": Kiribati and the Micronesian Islands
Global warming dogma the “new communism”, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus
President Vaclav Klaus - Climate change & freedom -
Scalise: 'We're Setting Up A Global Warming Gestapo!' (Full)
Sen. Jame Inhofe's articles at Human Events:
Holbrooke’s Amazing Global Warming Claim
Obama's EPA a Growing Menace to Economy
Global Warming and the UN
Ways to raise $100 Bil.- READ the ways! -note the "Financial Transaction Tax" (on pg 2)
Hans Labohm: Climate Change No Longer Scares Europe
A Global Tax Hike & "Tap the Private Sector"
"The Most Vulnerable": Kiribati and the Micronesian Islands
Global warming dogma the “new communism”, says Czech President Vaclav Klaus
President Vaclav Klaus - Climate change & freedom -
Scalise: 'We're Setting Up A Global Warming Gestapo!' (Full)
Sen. Jame Inhofe's articles at Human Events:
Holbrooke’s Amazing Global Warming Claim
Obama's EPA a Growing Menace to Economy
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